The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, February 16, 1996              TAG: 9602160005
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A14  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   40 lines


Buddy Armstrong's ``Extravagant'' (letter, Jan. 27) contained erroneous and misleading information. It stated that Operation Blessing helped feed 2 million people, thereby grossly miscalculating the per-person cost of assistance at $18 a plate.

For the record, Operation Blessing International's total income for the past fiscal year was $36 million, by which more that 24 million people were helped through a variety of programs. During that period the organization distributed more than 17 million pounds of food and other necessities (the equivalent of more than 11 million meals) to hungry Americans through its Hunger Strike Force fleet of trucks. It also provided new clothing, blankets, housing assistance, medical care and supplies, educational and employment opportunities, disaster relief and a caring touch (the list could go on) to millions of other victims of poverty and disaster in the United States and overseas.

Operation Blessing International keeps its overhead and administrative costs to a minimum by carrying out its work in partnership with local churches and other worthy agencies (such as the Union Mission and Salvation Army) in communities around the world.

To berate a humanitarian outreach that has helped more than 121 million people since its inception in 1978 is seriously unjust. I encourage Mr. Armstrong and others who have questions to find out the facts before slandering any organization that is doing so much good. We are always willing to discuss our work with those who show genuine interest.


Public-relations manager

Operation Blessing International

Virginia Beach, Jan. 30, 1996 by CNB