The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, February 23, 1996              TAG: 9602220138
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   68 lines


Sizing up school a unique task

The Faculty Planning Council at White Oaks Elementary School would like to offer our appreciation for news coverage (Jan. 24 Beacon, ``Shrinking School'') concerning our unique educational situation.

Most school personnel will realize that while the Beacon noted 212 pupils with 23 teachers and resource personnel, a simple average of figures cannot be done. Our staff is comprised of part-time specialists as well as resource personnel. We currently house only 13 regular classrooms and two special education classes.

Unfortunately, the photo on the cover and on page 8, did not show a typical classroom at White Oaks Elementary School and is not representative of the entire plant. Most of the offices at Celebration Station moved to White Oaks Elementary School in August as a way to save money. It was only by coincidence that Celebration Station was vacant when the Princess Anne High School burned.

In September, two teachers were hired due to enrollment numbers. Later, another was added, as Carper residents continued to attend White Oaks Elementary School. All three were aware of a December transfer. Your article did not explain that the administration at White Oaks Elementary School decided these teachers would teach only Carper children thus minimizing the disruptions for the remaining students and staff. All three of the positions have now been transferred to other schools in the system.

Our average regular classroom size is 17 students; not five, and this number of students is with the guidelines for an at-risk school.

It has been an emotional time for everyone associated with White Oaks Elementary School. We are confident we will remain a strong faculty and will, in fact, ``one day rise again.''

Faculty Planning Council

White Oaks Elementary School

City manager `robbed' sledders

I am writing this letter regarding the Virginia Beach city manager's decision to close down Mount Trashmore on Feb. 4 because of dangerous conditions.

Mr. City Manager, didn't you see all the happy smiling faces? Didn't you see the parents playing with their kids? Didn't you hear the laughter and screams of delight?

A few people got hurt, but people that are being active sometimes get hurt, but wasn't it great to see the rescue people on hand to help out?

Mr. City Manager, how dare you ``rob'' the young people of the memories they won't have of sledding with their parents and siblings. If you are so concerned about injuries then you need to ban football, soccer, field hockey, skateboarding, rollerblading or any other activity that requires physical input.

After seeing you on the local TV news with that ``Grinch-like'' smirk on your face it appeared to me that you must not have a childhood worth remembering or perhaps you suffer from the dreaded ``Old-Timers'' disease and can't remember your days in the snow.

You, sir, are no city manager! Shutting down Mount Trashmore so kids can go play in the streets and on the overpasses is not managing. You are just a man whose time has passed. Head for the pasture and leave life and recreation for those of us that enjoy it.

H.B. Baker

Virginia Beach by CNB