The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, February 23, 1996              TAG: 9602230600
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C1   EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Column 
SOURCE: Bob Molinaro 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   63 lines


Futurewatch: With the Oyster Bowl gone and Norfolk State soon to unveil its own football stadium, is there any reason not to tear down Foreman Field and make room for something else?

Class move: While courting local interests, CFL Pirates president Lonie Glieberman donated $5,000 to The Boys and Girls Clubs of South Hampton Roads. When negotiations with Norfolk went sour, Glieberman was given a chance to take back his money, but declined. ``It was a good cause when we made the donation,'' explained Lonie's Lieutenant, Bill Haase, ``and it's still a good cause.''

For what it's worth: Team Glieberman currently is going over plans to revive the franchise by moving it to Detroit or Milwaukee in 1997.

One to watch: If Duke beats UCLA in Durham on Sunday afternoon, Coach K's team can make plans for the NCAA tournament.

Reclamation project: Going from world-class bust to starter and double-figure scorer makes Danny Ferry of the Cleveland Cavaliers one of the season's more intriguing stories. Credit, too, goes to his coach, Mike Fratello.

Quick hit: Spring training would be no worse for being shorter. Today's players are expected to be in shape when they arrive.

Such a big deal: The departure of Deion Sanders from baseball has caused almost as much disappointment as a rained-out Grapefruit League game.

Name game: The NBA player, can't remember which one, who characterized the Chicago Bulls as Superman, Batman and Rodman has it about right.

Big Dipper: Wilt Chamberlain, the center on the 76ers team that won 68 games and the Lakers team that won 69, isn't bowled over by the Bulls. ``Who's gonna guard me,'' he asks. ``Who? Luc Longley?''

Stop the presses: Asked in Florida if he intends to relinquish some innings to others at shortstop this season, Cal Ripken said, ``I'm very proprietary when it comes to my position.'' No kidding, Cal.

Add Cal: When watching video of his 2,131-game celebration at Camden Yards, Ripken always stops before the tape reaches his emotional tour around the field. ``I see it from the inside looking out,'' he explains. ``Everyone else had a chance to see it looking in.''

Changing times: You know we are becoming a nation of softies when there is serious talk in Chicago of building a dome to keep Bears fans warm.

The real deal: When ranking the most serious threats to the health of boxers, HIV has to get in line behind brain damage.

Numbers game: Suspicions about the reliability of the Rating Percentage Index (RPI), used to help choose at-large teams for the NCAA tournament, are confirmed when Maryland (13-9 going into last night's game) is ranked one notch higher than Georgetown (25th).

Bob Cousy was born too soon: Hate to sound like such an old-timer, but today's college players couldn't be quite as quick off the dribble if the striped shirts went back to calling palming violations.

A mouthful: Now that he's signed a one-year deal with the Mets, nobody in baseball has a bigger name to live up to than Wonderful Terrific Monds III.

Just asking: Does it change anyone's perception of the Summer Games to learn that Olympic athletes have agents? by CNB