The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, February 25, 1996              TAG: 9602230139
SOURCE: Shirley Brinkley 
DATELINE: FRANKLIN                           LENGTH: Medium:   78 lines


IN JANUARY, Ann Stephens moved up a notch on the corporate ladder when she became manager of Community Relations at Union Camp Corp.

``Now, I'm more involved with community activities,'' Stephens said. ``I'm responsible for the charitable donations budget and the aid to education budget. One of the most exciting things we have done in a long time is a pilot program to prepare Franklin High School graduates for the modern, industrial and technical environment.''

Sponsored by Franklin City Schools, Paul D. Camp Community College, and Union Camp, the program will link teachers, students, parents and business in a work and study program leading to employment and, for some, to college degrees.

In her former position as manager of Internal Communication, Stephens was a one-person staff, responsible for producing ``The Log,'' the corporation's Franklin newsletter that is distributed every other month.

``I was writer, editor and photographer,'' Stephens said, laughing.

Stephens also was the originator of a monthly business video update and taped and directed a presentation by a member of the management team concerning the previous month's performance.

An employee of Union Camp since 1987, Stephens had taught elementary school for six years when she decided to pursue another endeavor.

``It was a `win-win' situation,'' she said. ``I taught some of the best kids in the world, and if I hadn't been hired, I would have continued teaching.''

Stephens is a member of the Franklin Community Action Network, whose members meet to study and react to citizens' concerns.

``We discuss public safety, literacy, crime, economics and job availability,'' Stephens said. ``We focused initially on safety on the streets in our neighborhoods and drug abuse. We have managed to get additional street lights in our neighborhoods and introduced Neighborhood Watch Programs.''

What brought you here? Born in Franklin

Birthdate: Oct. 25, 1943

Fondest childhood memory: Neighborhood cookouts and family vacations

Marital status/children: Married for 31 years to Robert H. ``Bob'' Stephens. Two daughters, Stephanie Hufton and Jennifer Stephens, a graduate student at Virginia Tech.

Pets: ``Missy,'' a calico cat

First job: Wrapping Christmas packages at the old Jones-Hayes Department Store

Occupation: Manager of Public Relations

If you had a choice, what other job would you choose? I can't think there is a better job.

What's your favorite hangout? Home!

Favorite night out: Dinner at Phillips and Co.

Favorite movies/TV show: We don't go to a lot of movies - I guess the movies end up being my favorite TV shows.

Ideal vacation: Long, lazy days at our cottage at Kill Devil Hills, N.C.

I can't resist: Chocolate!

Few people know that I: In a small town, everybody knows everything . . . and what they don't know, they make up.

Most embarrassing moment: There have been too many to pick just one!

If you won the lottery, what would you do/buy? Pay off existing debts, share with my family and invest. But it needs to be a BIG one!

What is the best advice you've been given and by whom? Don't try to fill anyone else's shoes - work only in your own.

What's the best thing about yourself? That's better answered by others. I like to think I'm a good listener.

If you could trade places with anyone in the world, who would you be and why? I'd like to be a better me . . . but stay right here because it's home.

What achievements are you most proud of? Maybe it's really my husband's achievement. He encouraged me to go back to school to complete my degree requirements. And then, it would be our children. ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by JOHN H. SHEALLY II

by CNB