The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, February 25, 1996              TAG: 9602230174
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   87 lines


We weathered the storm

I'm so glad I was in the state of Virginia - especially during the recent storm.

A lot of people were out in terrible conditions. Not only did my newspaper and mail get delivered every day on time, but Virginia Power was out there non-stop. At least some of us were able to stay in our homes, albeit without heat or lights.

Thank you to everyone who had to be out in the blizzard of '96 and made our lives a little easier.

Evelyn Flergas

Virginia Beach `Never too old to learn'

In response to your Jan. 31 Beacon article titled ``Senior Class'' about ODU's Institute for Learning in Retirement, first of all, may I applaud the seniors who enroll in these classes and, second, may I applaud you for featuring such an article.

The saying, ``You are never too old to learn,'' is true. I encourage those of you who think you are, to enroll in a class and find out that learning is fun as well as challenging.

Thanks for getting the word out.

Cecilia O. Wilkins

Virginia Beach

Students shouldn't pay

I am a student who is concerned about the debt the Virginia Beach School Board has created through its neglect and inefficiency. I want to know why I, as a student, have to pay for something I did not do?

I feel that teachers and students should not be punished for something inept administrators have done. It is not right to dock the teachers' pay. Since the city administrators have caused this financial nightmare, let them donate a day - or more - without pay.

How are we students to learn responsibility for our actions when these people are not held accountable for theirs?

Tyler Whitfield

Virginia Beach

Shore Drive a silly affair

The recent cacophony over the Shore Drive tree imbroglio has reached all the way over to jolly old England. The Monty Python Silly Party has put together two organizations for public consideration. The first is called ``Strengthen Our Trees'' or S.O.T. for short. The second is ``Save Our Drunks - Obliterate Felonious Firs'' or S.O.D - O.F.F.

You takes your choice, you takes your chances.

Tom McCauley

Virginia Beach

Thanks Virginia Power

Hats off to Virginia Power who worked long hours in the cold and danger to give us power in our homes. Also, our thanks should go to the crews from out of town who came to help us, and the office personnel who worked long shifts to take our calls for help.

Mrs. E.M. Gray

Virginia Beach Why salt our roads?

I'm sure I'll sound like an ungrateful wretch but I have a complaint. During the recent ice and snow storms, the city and VDOT have been extensively salting the highways. True, salt will often melt ice and snow but it is extremely damaging and an environmental disaster. Consider:

The unnatural melting and then freezing of ice and water causes potholes and damages concrete.

Salt rusts out concrete reinforcements and bridges.

Salt is extremely damaging to cars, especially older ones built before rustproofing was widespread.

Salt is also dangerous to plants and animals that may live in areas of run-off.

Lastly, salt causes health problems in some persons and its use on the streets allows it to enter groundwater.

It's odd in a time when environmental regulations are so near draconic, VDOT and the city toss out this polluting material.

James R. Campbell

Hood Circle by CNB