The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, February 28, 1996           TAG: 9602270101
TYPE: Close-Up 
SOURCE: Jody R. Snider 
DATELINE: WINDSOR                            LENGTH: Medium:   75 lines


SHELLED PEANUTS become lessons in counting in Margaret Worrell's kindergarten class at Windsor Elementary School.

A batch of popcorn becomes a science lesson, as students watch the kernels heat and burst.

And later in the day, popcorn winds up in art projects - if Worrell's 23 students haven't eaten most of it.

After 21 years of teaching kindergarten in Isle of Wight schools, Worrell says the challenge is to teach objectives in a way that will be fun and interesting to her students.

``Each day is different. What I try to do is create a fun activity that they'll remember once it's through.''

So it's no surprise to find Worrell standing over a blender as students count and drop peanuts into it to make peanut butter. Once they've counted the peanuts and added oil, the mixture is blended, and everyone sits down to a snack of peanut butter and crackers.

Recently, the kids learned all about the letter ``Q'' when they drew pictures on sheets of paper, later taped together to look like a quilt.

``Another teacher had come in and read them a story about quilts, then she brought in some quilts she had made,'' Worrell explains. ``Now she wants to come back to see our quilt.''

But the day isn't over for Worrell until she sees each and every student off at the bus.

``I try to think of something positive to say to each child as they leave. Sometimes I praise them on the work they did that day. Sometimes, when someone's had a rough day, I tell them they disappointed me today, but I know tomorrow will be better.''

Name: Margaret Worrell

What brought you to Isle of Wight County? Windsor native

Birthdate/hometown: March 20, 1954/Windsor

What's your fondest childhood memory? Christmas holidays with family and friends.

Marital status and children: Married to Ronnie; no children.

Pets: None

What was your first job/worst job? Typing notices for a finance company/same. I couldn't type and talk at the same time.

Occupation: Kindergarten teacher at Windsor Elementary School.

If you had a choice, what other type of work would you be doing today? None. I love my job. Each day is something different.

What's your favorite hangout? Home on the farm with family and friends.

Favorite night out on the town? Having dinner out with my husband.

Favorite food/drink: Seafood and Pepsi

Favorite movies: ``Sleepless in Seattle''

Book you wish everyone would read: The Bible

What's your idea of a perfect vacation? A trip to Australia

I can't resist: Chocolate

Few people know that . . . I eat candy bars for breakfast so I can keep up with my 23 kindergarten friends.

If you won the lottery, what would you do? I'd throw away all my pots and pans because I don't like to cook. I would spend some of it, but I would share some of it, too.

What is the best advice you've ever been given? Treat others like you would like to be treated - my parents.

What do you think is the best thing about yourself? My ability to get along well with others.

Of which achievements are you most proud? Teaching kindergarten for 20 years.

Something you wish to say but haven't: I hope the citizens of Isle of Wight County will support the building of a new Windsor Elementary School. ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by JOHN H. SHEALLY II

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