The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, March 6, 1996               TAG: 9603050078
TYPE: Close-Up 
SOURCE: Jody R. Snider 
DATELINE: SMITHFIELD                         LENGTH: Medium:   73 lines


DRAWING IS JUST A hobby for Smithfield High School junior Jameel King.

But his hobby recently earned him first place in the county's 1996 PTA Reflections contest and an honorable mention at the district level.

The Reflections theme was ``Just Open Your Eyes and See.'' King made his own statement by adding to the contest theme: ``That This Is Not the Way the World Should Be.''

He drew a picture of a man standing between two worlds: one good and pure, the other evil.

``I used colored pencils to depict a man looking upward toward a world of good, where all races live in harmony and the Earth is clean,'' King says. ``Below him, penciled in black and white, is the world as it is, with all its problems.''

A Jehovah's Witness, King says his drawing reflects his views of life.

``I'm dedicated to doing Jehovah's will in my life. I want to learn His laws and ways through the Bible.''

King says he shares his faith by going door-to-door in local neighborhoods.

``It's hard to do, but it's worth it because you have something that most people don't have - a relationship with God.''

Name: Jameel ``Meel'' King

Birthdate: July 21, 1979

Worst habit: Smacking on food.

Hobbies: Drawing and skating.

Pets: A dog named Rex.

Pet peeve: My room has to be clean for me to stay in it.

Ideal vacation: One week in the Bahamas.

Favorite night out on the town: Eat at Pizza Hut, then skating.

Favorite restaurant: Old Country Buffet.

Favorite food and drink: Shrimp egg foo yong and Mountain Dew.

Favorite movies: ``Taps'' and ``Lion King''

Favorite music group, and why you like this it: Boyz II Men. Most of their music is clean.

Describe your ideal date: Don't have one.

Do you have an idol? No

Which characteristics attract you to a person? Soft-spoken, kind, compassionate, mild and honest.

Most cherished possession: My relationship with Jehovah God.

What's the best gift anyone's ever given you? Eternal life

What is the best advice your parents ever gave you? To continue to please Jehovah God and not anyone else.

Name an issue that concerns you, and why: Prejudice. It causes so many problems. We should all realize that we are all the same people. Race should not be a factor.

What type of things do kids worry about today? Crime, safety, AIDS and school.

How do you battle peer pressure? I trust in Jehovah God, and choose my associates carefully.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? My ears. They're too small.

Few people know . . . that I have a twin sister.

What's the best thing about yourself? My sister says I am kind, compassionate and affectionate.

What would you like your first real job to be? Data processor

What are your goals in life? To teach people the Bible through the Jehovah Witness program, Regular Pioneer. Then to move to New York to serve at the headquarters of the worldwide organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by JOHN H. SHEALLY II

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