The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, March 10, 1996                 TAG: 9603090165
SERIES: Cover Story: May 7 Election 
                                             LENGTH: Long  :  155 lines


ILLUSTRATION: Photos of all candidates


Meyera E. Oberndorf

Age: 55

Address: 5400 block of Challedon Drive (Carolanne Farms)

Occupation: Mayor

Previous elected post: 5 terms on the City Council, including two

as mayor

Why are you running? ``I'm running for another term because a lot

of good projects are in progress that were started and nurtured

during my terms as mayor, and I would like to be there to see them

come to completion. I'm excited about the future in the city of

Virginia Beach. I enjoy serving the citizens of Virginia Beach.''

What can you contribute? ``Hopefully, a quiet, but strong

leadership that takes everyone's opinions into account but tries to

build a consensus so we can move forward to our goals.''


Linwood O. Branch III

Age: 40

Address: 700 block of Arctic Ave. (Oceanfront)

Occupation: runs family-owned Southshore Resort Inn

Previous elected post: served as Beach Borough council member

since 1992

Why are you running? ``I think the city is moving in a direction

that I feel a lot of the people are behind. We're devising a

comprehensive plan that I think is going to allow us to develop

within our resources. I think we've been able to be successful in

attracting new businesses and creating some exciting quality of life

projects, but I think there's still more to be done. . . Other than

the School Board situation, I think in general the city's moving in

the right direction. I just want to continue to be a part of that

and help move things along.''

What can you contribute? ``There are other things that I'd like

to see accomplished: realizing our potential for golf development is

important; I think the development of the Lake Ridge parcel; working

with the new School Board, hopefully to consolidate the functions to

correct those problems.. . .''


John A. Baum

Age: 69

Address: 6400 block of Crags Causeway (Blackwater)

Occupation: semi-retired farmer

Previous elected post: 24 years as the Blackwater Borough

representative on the council.

Why are you running? ``In a way, it's kind of peculiar, because

it's the last two years of the Blackwater seat (before it is

eliminated by redistricting). . . I'd love to see Lake Gaston

completed. Right now, in spite of an individual or so, the council

has worked together well, and has helped the mayor be the

spokesperson for the city. . . .''

What can you contribute? ``I've been proud to be part of the

total council, and I have an opportunity to do some insurance work

for the agricultural open spaces. . . . I would like to make sure

the Agricultural Reserve Program works, that the agriculture

committee gets stronger, that regulations get written so people are

not held up. . . . We need another way of ensuring that open space

and the agricultural industry is not regulated to death, but also,

it's to the advantage of the 90-some percentage of the people who

are suburban dwellers, to not have suburban development that

requires sewers and schools.''


Richard P. Anoia

Age: 38

Address: 1600 block of Will-O-Wisp Drive (Linkhorn Estates)

Occupation: helps run family-owned Windjammer Motel and

barbershops at Pembroke Mall and Haygood Shopping Center

Previous elected post: none

Why are you running? ``I believe it's very important that the

citizens of Virginia Beach have an opportunity of choice in any

election and as this council race has been shaping up the voters

have limited opportunities of choice. . . . I do feel that my years

of leadership on numerous councils and boards, and my strong

scouting background as an Eagle Scout afford me the knowledge, the

dedication and the leadership needed to propel our city into the

21st century.''

What can you contribute? ``Fairness, an open mind, the desire to

see full disclosure, the desire to allow the people of Virginia

Beach to be heard, to promote their interest. . . I'm young, I have

a young family, I have children in the public school system. I have

a great interest in seeing that we succeed and continue with the

quality of education. I pay my taxes as a businessman. I'm concerned

about how those taxes are spent and to be sure that those tax monies

are afforded to anybody in the city, not to any special interest


Louis Miles Pace

Age: 61

Address: 1900 block of Hunts Neck Court (Hunt Club Forest)

Occupation: key equipment sales manager for Curtis Industries

Previous elected post: ran unsuccessfully for seven local and

statewide offices since 1986.

Why are you running? ``I'm running in an effort to try to control

the horrendous tax increases we've been having in this community. My

main goal is to eliminate personal property tax on automobiles.''

What can you contribute? ``A good mind, a commitment to serving

the public and to do good for the community.''

Harold Heischober

Age: 75

Address: 4000 block of N. Witchduck Road (Witchduck)

Occupation: chairman of Mega Mazda car dealership on Holland


Previous elected post: served on council from 1980 to 1992, and

as mayor from 1986 to 1988; appointed to current at-large seat by

the City Council in 1995 to fill unexpired term of John Moss.

Why are you running? ``. . . I'm running to win, and to

accomplish, one: water, two: economic development . . . and three:

golf courses and public transportation improvements. . . Needless

to say, I think we need a whole new vision with respect to how we're

going to develop - that comes in the form of the comprehensive plan

(which is being developed now). I'd like to see the Agricultural

Reserve Program work successfully. I want to get the soccer stadium

and get into major league soccer.''

What can you contribute? ``I think with my experience, I can

contribute to the healing between the school system and the city

side, so that we get back on track and get the focus on turning out

well-educated young people with satisfactory SATs, which have

slipped badly in the last few years.''

Robert C. Spadaccini

Age: 38

Address: 600 block of Orangewood Drive (Green Run)

Occupation: collection manager for a law firm

Previous elected post: ran unsuccessfully for Kempsville seat in


Why are you running? ``To see that there's a balance on City

Council, in addition to seeing that there's a balance to forge

ahead. Right now, I think you've got a lot of specialized interest

groups on council, but I don't think you have a general

representation of the blue collar worker, of the community, and I

don't think you have a whole lot of representation there when it

comes to minorities, or ethnic diversity.''

What can you contribute? ``To try and bring some cohesiveness to

council, see where there's a little bit more representation from the

community end of it, from the community service end of it. Right

now, if you look at municipal employees, their feelings are that

they really don't have anybody to support them on council. I would

like to have that opportunity.''

by CNB