The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, March 10, 1996                 TAG: 9603090255
SERIES: Cover Story: May 7 Election 
                                             LENGTH: Long  :  113 lines


ILLUSTRATION: Photos of all candidates

Charles ``Don'' Clark

Age: 59

Address: 4400 block of Paul Jones Lane (Pembroke Manor)

Occupation: owns Clark Realty Services, a residential real estate

appraisal firm

Previous elected post: none

Why are you running? He has an interest in contributing to the

city which provides him a good living; and as a real estate educator

he has an interest in teaching and education.

What can you contribute? The ability to analyze and comprehend

complex problems and situations as well as a good eye to spot things

that need improvement.

Children in school? Four children, all graduates of Princess Anne

High School.

George T. Coker

Age: 53

Address: 1700 block of Valhalla Arch (Linkhorn Cove)

Occupation: Computer analyst with the Development Group at Fleet

Training Combat Center at Dam Neck

Previous elected post: none

Why are you running? Coker, a retired Navy flight officer and

former Vietnam POW, feels he has the financial background and

grassroots contacts to provide a balanced look at school


What can you contribute? ``My strong point is my contact with the

civic leagues and I feel that I can help build consensus,'' Coker


Children in school? Three children, two currently enrolled in

Beach schools; one in college, graduated from a Beach high school.

Kathleen Damon

Age: 40

Address: 2200 block Greenwell Road (Chesapeake Beach)

Occupation: Restaurant manager

Previous elected post: none

Why are you running? She believes it's every citizen's duty to be

involved and aware.

What can you contribute? Motivation. She feels the needs of the

children have to be met.

Children in school? Four children. One attends Great Neck Middle

School and the Old Donation Center and two children at Hermitage

Elementary. The youngest child begins elementary school next year.

Donald F. Bennis

Age: 44

Address: 2000 block of Thomas Bishop Lane (Meadowridge)

Occupation: Attorney

Previous elected post: Appointed to board in 1995 by the Circuit


Why are you running? ``I have a record with the School Board on

votes that support teachers, parents and children. There needs to be

some continuity when we're facing a totally new board with the

resignations. I have been a positive force on the board. We're in

the middle of the budget process now. I don't know how anybody

coming on board new could evaluate the entire budget and make

constructive recommendations with such little time.

What could you contribute? ``I think we need to move the school

system forward. We need to bring some closure to the 1994-95 budget

deficit and we need to bring the current year's budget in the black.

We need to restore the trust and confidence of the citizens of

Virginia Beach in the school system. I think I can help with all of


Children in school? One at John B. Dey Elementary, one at Great

Neck Middle

Patricia L. Burns

Age: 48

Address: 4100 block Woodlake Court (Windsor Oaks West)

Occupation: Registered nurse

Previous elected post: none

Why are you running? ``I felt I had a civic responsibility having

been a resident for so many years. I'm a life member of the PTA.

When I read what was going on I felt obligated to get involved. . .

. I've always had the priority of children, welfare and


What can you contribute? Knowledge of the schools. Active for 25

years in school issues; worked as a school nurse; volunteered as a

school nurse. Stability. ``I have a diverse background in management

and working with the schools. Hopefully I can help with the

continuity. I'm a very sincere, honest, hard working person. My

friends say I'm thrifty.''

Children in school? Two sons, Princess Anne High School


Gail A. Ball

Age: 53

Address: 500 block of Catalina Ave. (Malibu)

Occupation: Real Estate Agent, Hutcheson Realty Inc.

Previous elected post: Ran unsuccessfully for an at-large seat on

the board in 1994.

Why running? As a former teacher, mother of one son who attended

city schools and as the wife of a city school principal, Ball feels

she has the qualifications and the commitment to help oversee the

workings of the local school system.

What can you contribute? ``I have the background and the business

background to do the job,'' she says.

Children in school? One son, attended a Beach school.

by CNB