THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: Thursday, March 21, 1996 TAG: 9603200188 SECTION: SUFFOLK SUN PAGE: 06 EDITION: FINAL TYPE: Letter LENGTH: Medium: 57 lines
We thank the eighth-grade parents and guardians for attending the Ninth Grade Scheduling Orientation at Nansemond River High School or Lakeland High School on March 7.
Their support verifies that, as parents and guardians, they are interested in the education of their children.
Let us continue to work together to provide the support the students in the City of Suffolk deserve.
Charlene E. Christian
Instructional Specialist
Suffolk Public Schools Remember Vietnam vets on their special day
March 29 is Vietnam Veterans Day, and we Disabled American Veterans members of Chapter 22 would like to encourage all Vietnam veterans to join your comrades in commemorating this day.
This is the month for all veterans to reaffirm our commitment as a DAV member and a Vietnam veteran to aid and assist worthy wartime disabled veterans, their widows, orphans and dependents. Your involvement is needed.
Most Vietnam veterans are in their 40s and 50s now. Your careers are established. Some are retired. Your children are grown or nearly so. Most of us are at a point in our lives where we have more time and opportunity to devote to assisting our fellow veterans.
Vietnam veterans make up 30 percent of the DAV's membership. The contributions they make to the DAV is tremendous.
We at Chapter 22, located at 4648 Portsmouth Blvd., Portsmouth, are always willing to assist you in any we possibly can. We have service officers standing by three days a week waiting to help you.
The time when World War II and Korean War veterans stood as the active cornerstone in chapters is passing. Remember, these veterans who championed the DAV's cause are our fathers and grandfathers now. Many of us are no longer able to remain as active as we would like to be, due to age and physical limitations. Now we are holding out the torch of service to you Vietnam veterans to accept it and carry its flame brighter than ever before.
Remember, our doors are always open to a comrade, so come by to visit with us anytime. If our service officers can help you in any way, call us at 465-8658.
Have a good Vietnam Veterans Day on March 29. May God bless all veterans.
James F. Cerza
Commander, Chapter 22
Portsmouth Boulevard
Portsmouth by CNB