The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, March 22, 1996                 TAG: 9603210145
SOURCE: The Road Warrior 
                                             LENGTH: Long  :  117 lines


Today's column is dedicated to Paula from Bellamy Plantation, Bob from Woodscape, Tom from Kings Grant, Debbie Paige from Salem Road, Robert Scott, Sally Briggs, Trudy, Chris and Margaret.

The folks listed called Road in reference to a call Margaret made a couple of weeks ago about the city having two South Lynnhaven roads.

Road answered Margaret's concern by saying that according to the ADC's Street Map of Tidewater Virginia there's only one South Lynnhaven Road and that's the one that swings behind Lynnhaven Mall.

That answer prompted more than a few outbursts and even a nasty gram or two about how Road was wrong and that there really are two South Lynnhaven roads.

If you look on Page 13, column D, number 10, in the map book you'll see that the road everyone swears is the second South Lynnhaven Road is actually North Lynnhaven Road.

The road starts in the Little Neck Village area, crosses Virginia Beach Boulevard and continues toward Lynnhaven Parkway. No where on the map is this road designated as south.

Road can understand the confusion because the street sign at Virginia Beach Boulevard says the road is ``North Lynnhaven Road.''

But, once you cross over the railroad tracks at Mustang Trail the signs switch to ``South Lynnhaven Road'' for the two blocks before it runs into Lynnhaven Parkway.

So, in part, Road was right.


The following people called Road's INFOLINE number with their complaints.

Paula Cutler, no address given. Going south on INDEPENDENCE at the light to turn left on JEANNE STREET, there is only a green arrow and then you stop and get a red light.

We need the sign that they have at most intersections that says ``yield on circular green'' so we can turn because often there's no oncoming traffic and you have to sit. Let us know if you can do anything about that.

RW: Engineers have this formula they try and stick to when it comes to permissive (circular green) and protected (green arrow) turns.

If a roadway is greater than two opposing lanes, they won't install a permissive/protected (combination circular green and green arrow) left turning phase. You have a protected phase here because Independence Boulevard is four opposing lanes.

Lateia Matthews, Lake Crest Road. Calling in reference to BOW CREEK BOULEVARD and SOUTH CLUBHOUSE ROAD on both sides of the stop light. There's shrubbery on one side and you can't see unless you're in the road and on the other side of the intersection a mailbox is in the way.

I was wondering who I could call to get this looked at. Thanks a lot. Bye bye.

RW: Road did the calling for you, Lateia. Engineers are going to check it out and see what the deal is.

Jim Hurston, Hilltop. The timing on the lights on VIRGINIA BEACH BOULEVARD seems to be off. I used to be able to get a green light there at GREAT NECK heading west and then get green all the way until I turned off at South Plaza Trail.

Now, almost every day I have to stop at NORTH LYNNHAVEN and again at the Open Door Chapel and maybe even down there at HQ. Can you check on that for me?

RW: Recently, engineers made a timing adjustment to the signal at Great Neck and Virginia Beach Boulevard and that could be why you're not hitting the green each time. The timings were changed to try and flush the westbound left turning traffic onto Great Neck Road. Apparently, between 5:10 and 5:22 p.m., that left turning traffic was backing up pretty badly so engineers decided to sacrifice some coordination to give them more time.

The good news is that there will be complete coordination again. All the lights on the Boulevard, from Lynnhaven Parkway to Witchduck Road, are going to be re-timed and coordinated.

It'll be months and months before the work starts.

Gordon Carraway, no address given. My complaint is when you're going north on KEMPSVILLE ROAD and you want to make a left turn onto CENTERVILLE TURNPIKE to go west toward CBN. The left turn signal light is not long enough and will only let two maybe three cars through.

RW: Engineers say they'll go check it out and see what's up.

Helen Hawk, no address given. I'm calling to complain that there is no traffic light on DAM NECK ROAD in front of Corporate Landing Elementary School. The lack of a light creates a hazard to buses, and teachers and parents dropping off their kids.

Traffic on Dam Neck Road sometimes is well in excess of 60 mph. I complained to the city before about not having a traffic light and they said that when they finish the corporate center they might be putting in a traffic light.

Until then, I think it's ridiculous that they don't have a traffic light in front of the elementary school on Dam Neck Road. Thanks.

RW: Speed has nothing to do with getting or having a traffic signal, Helen. Most people seem to think it does. Actually, a higher speed limit means there are bigger gaps between traffic, meaning it's easier to get out and make a turn.

Anyway, engineers say the number of vehicles out on Dam Neck, including the school, isn't high enough to meet the warrants for installing a new signal.

Sharon, Virginia Beach. I'd like to know why the law enforcement people pull over cars more than I ever see them pull over trucks? I see trucks going in the fast lane passing people who are doing at least 60 mph.

I think it's dangerous for the trucks to even be in the fast lane and yet I never see them get pulled over. Is there some kind of pact that they have with the police that you know about because they're never stopped and they're just as bad as regular drivers. Thanks. Bye.

RW: Hmm. Well, maybe it's because they're bigger?

No, seriously. There is no ``pact'' between police and truck drivers. Everyone is expected to follow the rules of the road no matter what type of vehicle you drive. Maybe you just haven't been in the right place at the right time to see a speeding trucker pulled over. I'm sure there are plenty who will attest to having been ticketed. MEMO: Tell the Road Warrior about your motoring problems. Get 'em off your

chest. Call on Infoline, at 640-5555. After a brief message, dial ROAD

(7623). When directed, press 1 to deliver your message, and 1 again to

sign off.

Or, write: The Road Warrior, Virginia Beach Beacon, 4565 Virginia

Beach Blvd., Virginia Beach, Va. 23462.

Don't forget to include your name, address and neighborhood.

by CNB