The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, March 24, 1996                 TAG: 9603230101
SOURCE: Janelle LaBouve
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   69 lines


As a former Peace Corps volunteer in Panama, Jan Seyler knows what it's like to live in a foreign land. Maybe that's why she is so willing to open her home to foreign exchange students.

So far, she has been host to four students - three from Spain and one from Germany.

Isabel Sobron Sanudo of Spain is currently staying in Seyler's home while attending Western Branch High School as a senior.

``She is an absolute delight,'' Seyler said. ``It has been a wonderful experience for my family just having the cultural exchange and opportunity for our family to offer a student from another country.''

One of Seyler's own teenage sons participated in the program as a student in Spain.

Seyler said she has learned from her two female exchange students what it is like to have daughters.

``That's an experience I had not had,'' she said. ``It's a wonderful experience for the host brothers and sisters as well as for the host parents.

``It's important that we Americans learn more about people in other countries and about their language and culture rather than expecting other cultures to learn about us.''

Full name: Mary Jan Seyler

Hometown: Miller Grove, Texas.

Fond childhood memories: ``Playing with my cousins and having homemade ice cream parties.''

Children: Eric is a chemist and Jason is a sophomore at James Madison University in Harrisonburg.

Occupation: Western Branch High School guidance counselor

Hobbies: Gardening, reading, cooking, sewing, traveling, pottery making and taking fun classes in floral design and Spanish and a Word Perfect computer class.

Last book read: ``I'm reading `Full Catastrophe Living' by Jon Kabat-Zinn, and I like books by Chaim Potok and Harriet Lerner.''

What's your favorite game? Trivial Pursuit and Huggermugger

Describe yourself as a color: ``I like all the different shades of blue. It's my favorite color. I find it peaceful. My life is very hectic, and I tend to try to be peaceful and have a peaceful life.''

If you could be or tree, what would it be? ``A maple tree. They are very colorful, and they add beauty to the world.''

What irritates you the most? ``Not being able to accomplish everything I need to accomplish.''

Favorite type of music: ``I like classical guitar, and I love Joan Baez and Peter, Paul and Mary.''

Favorite movie: `` `Shadowlands' was a beautiful movie.''

Can't resist: ``I can't resist the enjoyment I get in talking to students. That's really a treat.''

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? ``I'd love to be more organized.''

Favorite TV program: Public Broadcast System programs

Favorite way to spend a day off: ``Reading a good book, or if the weather is pretty, working in my flower garden, going with a friend some place or spending time with my children.''

What would you choose for a last meal? Tex-Mex food and pecan pie and ice cream ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by MARK MITCHELL

Jan Seyler

by CNB