The Virginian-Pilot
                            THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT  
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Monday, March 25, 1996                 TAG: 9603230008
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A6   EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   43 lines


Columnist Marianne Means is the one who is wrong on divorce laws (``Religious right is wrong about divorce laws,'' editorial page, March 11). Blaming the religious right for the growing support for revision of our no-fault-divorce laws ignores the broad-based support the reform movement has across the United States.

While some flower children of the Clinton era found disposable marriages to fit in well with their me-first ethic, most Americans believe the dissolution of this sacred pact, should be responsibly reviewed by church and court prior to such unions coming to an end.

Ms. Means further discredits her case by repeating two prominent lies about divorce. There is no conclusive evidence supporting her assertion that children of parents who ``constantly argue'' suffer harm. Most heinous is her repeating the lie that men are hurt less by divorce and that men often earn more after a divorce. Surveys showing post-divorce increases in earnings by men reflect the man's effort to make up for lost earnings, now paid out in child support.

A father of four typically pays $14,000 per year in child support, which is currently received by the mother tax free (hence her taxable income appears to decrease). The father pays all the taxes on the money for child support, even though he no longer receives economic benefit. Also, unless the ex-wife waives the exemptions for the children, the divorced father pays taxes at the higher, single-person rate.

Current divorce law punishes men, regardless of fault, and provides a risk-free environment for women who choose to divorce. I have proposed adding a fault provision to Virginia's divorce law, and adding a reporting requirement for payees of child support to document that child support is spent solely for the benefit of the children. All citizens of the commonwealth should support this effort.


Hampton, March 11, 1996 by CNB