The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, April 17, 1996              TAG: 9604170556
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C3   EDITION: FINAL 
DATELINE: POTOMAC, MD.                       LENGTH: Short :   38 lines


The FBI searched Alonzo Mourning's home Tuesday and made one arrest, but the agency said the Miami Heat and former Georgetown star was not a target of the investigation.

A car and boxes of records were confiscated during the 2 1/2-hour search, but because the search warrant has been sealed, no other information could be released, said FBI spokeswoman Susan Lloyd.

Courtney McFee, a spokeswoman for Montgomery County police, said she understood from the FBI the operation was drug-related. CNN reported the search was part of an ongoing narcotics investigation.

Lloyd would not comment on a possible drug connection.

``I can confirm that one arrest was made, but can't reveal the charges because of the sealed warrant,'' she said.

A source said the target of the investigation, a man suspected of selling drugs in D.C., was arrested Monday at an apartment in Bladensburg, Md. The suspect allegedly sold cocaine to undercover officers and had a kilogram of cocaine in his possession when he was arrested, the source said. No drugs were found in Mourning's home, the source said.

Neighbors said Mourning, 26, lives at the posh, suburban Washington house primarily in the summer during the NBA offseason. He has lived there for two years, and the FBI said he shared the house with a cousin.

Mourning arrived Tuesday night in Philadelphia with with the Heat for a game tonight against the 76ers. Heat spokesman Tim Donovan said neither the team nor Mourning would comment.

The NBA also had no comment. by CNB