The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, April 7, 1996                  TAG: 9604050219
SOURCE: Frank Roberts 
DATELINE: SUFFOLK                            LENGTH: Medium:   89 lines


Pam Witt says she's ``never, never, never, never'' lonely. Actually, she could add a never or two, since she and her husband have five children.

Rick's and Pam's children range from 5 to 15 years old.

``I always wanted a large family,'' she said. ``You're never, never, never, never lonely. There's always somebody to hug.''

The huggables, 5-year-old Whitney; Jesse, 7; Caleb, 8; Ashley, 10, and 15-year-old Jason, offer endorsements.

Jesse: ``I think she's a good mama.''

Caleb: ``She's a super mom.''

Whitney: ``My mommy's so nice.''

Ashley: ``I love her. She never quits, and she can do anything.''

That includes raising the children while working and going to school. Pam, 36 and once a Suffolk High cheerleader, is a registered nurse. She is Home Health coordinator for the Isle of Wight County Health Department.

She recently received her bachelor or science in nursing from the Medical College of Virginia, where she will return for her master's.

Motherhood, her favorite role, often finds her driving from the family's Kingsdale Road, Suffolk, home to baseball, dancing and PTA meetings at two schools.

Together, the family enjoys fishing, shopping and, at appropriate moments, searching for the perfect hill for sledding.

Another facet of Witt family life is doing for others. The most recent examples are building a gazebo near the athletic field on Kings Fork Road, and building a porch and ramp for one of Pam's wheelchair patients.

Pam, outgoing and energetic while Rick is laid back, offered reasons for the family togetherness: ``I have a very good husband. Also, nothing can replace communication. You have to talk to your kids, and be friends with them.''

She added, ``Another thing that keeps us together is that they are really active in church.'' The family attends Southside Baptist.

What brought you here? I was born here but raised in Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Florida, moving back because my mom was here.

Birthdate/hometown: Nov. 28, 1959. Suffolk.

Fondest childhood memory: Riding horses with my brother in Kentucky.

Pets: A dog named Pepper.

First job/worst job: Cleaning out horse stalls; Delivering the newspaper in the winter.

If you had a choice what other job would you choose? I would love to be a doctor on a missionary team.

What's your favorite hangout? Main Street's Restaurant.

Favorite night out on the town? I can have fun anywhere with my husband.

Favorite food/drink: Steamed shrimp or any appetizer; Dr Pepper.

Favorite movies/TV show: ``Lonesome Dove,'' ``Dances With Wolves,'' ``E.R.''

Book you wish everyone would read: The Bible.

Ideal vacation: Two weeks on an isolated island with room service and child care.

I can't resist: Holding a newborn baby - anyone's.

Few people know that I: Am a master of procrastination.

Most embarrasing moment: Going to defensive driving school last year for practicing excessive speed. I'm always in a hurry.

If you won the lottery, what would you buy? A farm by the water, lots of horses and I'd have a place for all my children to live when they get older.

What is the best advice you've ever been given and by whom? If you really want something bad enough you have to be willing to work for it. My mom and dad.

What's the best thing about yourself? I have a lot of energy and motivation, and I've learned to seek out opportunities and take advantage of them.

If you could trade places with anyone in the world, who would you be and why? I wouldn't trade places with anyone.

What achievement are you most proud of? Having a great husband and five happy, healthy, flexible children.

Something you wish to say but haven't: I think one of the most important lessons in life is to learn to enjoy the journey and not focus on your destination. Tell your children, every day, that you love them, they're doing a good job and there is nothing they cannot do. I want them to know that winning isn't everything - but wanting to is. ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by JOHN H. SHEALLY II

The Witt family: left window, front row, from left, Jesse and Caleb;

back row, from left, Ashley and Jason; right window, from left,

Whitney, Pam and Rick.