The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, April 14, 1996                 TAG: 9604120428
TYPE: Decision '96: May 7 Election: City Council 
                                             LENGTH: Long  :  330 lines


If you have waded through the choices for the School Board, then you will have no problem tackling the City Council elections.

Five seats, including the mayor's, are up for grabs, and in each case an incumbent is fighting to hold onto his or her job. Two of them - John Baum in Blackwater and Linwood Branch in the Virginia Beach borough - are unopposed.

That leaves voters with three choices to make. They must choose:

One of two candidates for mayor

One of four candidates for an at-large seat

One of two candidates for the Princess Anne borough seat.

Over the following two pages, all 10 candidates offer a sampling of what they promise to do for you if elected. Like the School Board candidates, they also will tell you what qualities and skills they possess that make them suitable for public office.

During the next three weeks they will tackle more questions on specific issues that confront our community. QUESTIONS 1. What would you like to accomplish during your term on the school Board or the City Council ? 2. What special qualities or skilled do you possess that make you the best person for the job?



Age: 55

Address: 5400 block of Challedon Drive (Carolanne Farms)

Occupation: Mayor

1. My objective as mayor of Virginia Beach has been to bring the City Council together to lead our city. In accomplishing that major goal, the following priorities that were unanimously agreed to by the Council are also my goals for the future:

Complete the Lake Gatson Project,

Continue to foster economic vitality by expansion of the tax base and job opportunities,

Open the amphitheater on schedule with a variety of shows that appeal to the entire community,

Provide for a safe community for all citizens,

Support stable city finances, defined services and accurate forecasting of revenue,

Provide funding for a quality educational system,

Continue to promote Virginia Beach as a premier destination for tourists,

Protect our city's unique environment and natural resources,

Actively involve citizens and businesses as partners in city government,

Promote regional cooperation, but not at the expense of Virginia Beach and without the creation of a mega-government,

Provide mobility for citizens, businesses and tourists.

2. Thirty years experience as an advocate for the City of Virginia Beach and its people in local, regional, state and national forums.



Age: 33

Address: 5200 block of Waller Court (Providence Point)

Occupation: ``sporting arms ordinance technician''

1. The most crucial task is to bring a sense of unity back to all city employees.

Labor issues with the police and other essential services must be resolved with a lasting remedy, not just an election year bandage.

The school system should be reestablished as the city's best asset for the future with the council sharing in its accountability.

Enticing new businesses into our city would be my next focus.

The need for new revenue can't be continuously placed on the property owners of our city.

Completion of existing projects will be a continuing goal. The Gaston Pipeline should be accelerated to completion, reinforcing Norfolk's effort to upgrade its facilities to ensure completion at the same time as ours.

I would continue working with our regional neighbor's in other joint venture's providing that the citizen's of Virginia Beach are behind them and can be funded without adding to our millstone of debt.

2. As a small business partner, I take pride in serving the public professionally and personally. Accountability in payroll, inventory and customer satisfaction has been my mainstay for 12 years. Being that my business is regulated at a federal, state and local levels, I have never hesitated to let my opinion be known to the appropriate legislators.

Being a parent of a disabled child, I have been involved with the infant stimulation program and the special education departments within the city of Virginia Beach. This involvement gave me hands on knowledge of what it takes to support and staff these programs and gives me a better perspective to the special needs of the physical challenged of this city.

My lack of political experience disqualifies me as a ``career politician.'' I have no special interest groups backing me, only the citizens that support me in the May 7th election. BLACKWATER PRINCESS ANNE


Age: 51

Address: 1200 block of Shawn Drive (Green Run)

Occupation: retired manager at J.C. Penney

1. A. Continue tracking and challenging the role of government and its spending practices.

B. Continue to work toward the gradual elimination of the business, professional, occupational license tax.

C. Work toward the phased elimination of the stormwater fee (rain tax).

D. Work toward the phased elimination of the personal property tax.

E. Work toward requiring a two thirds vote of council before raising any new taxes or fees.

F. Continue to work with the community toward revising the comprehensive plan, and then follow the parameters set forth in the plan for orderly and well planned growth.

G. Continue to serve on the Princess Anne Corridor Study Committee (Lake Ridge), and the Corporate Landing Task Force, in order that the goals and land use objectives are realized and not permitted to erode.

H. Continue to monitor the impact of government's intrusion into the private sector.

I. Continue to be the quintessential watchdog of the environment and our natural resources.

2. A. My career background in retail management with Sears, and then 17 years with the J.C. Penney Company, gave me fiscal and management skills necessary to fulfill the requirements for an elected, policy-making position.

B. Being retired, I am able to devote full time to the position.

C. Due to my wide community involvement with an array of diverse organizations, I am afforded the opportunity to receive wide range perspectives on city issues.

D. My flexible schedule has afforded me the opportunity to return thousands of phone calls, meet with hundreds of constituents on city issues, and perform in depth analysis on council agenda items and budges for the past four years.


Age: 58

Address: 3200 block of Burnt Mill Road (Princess Anne Plaza)

Occupation: former teacher

1. Bringing the Lake Gaston water supply on line is a must. Restoring integrity and confidence in the financial operation of our schools is essential. Expansion and emphasis on high quality economic development ranks very high. Prioritization of our capital needs on the basis of true need, research, public input and economic return would reassure citizens that the city is working for them and the city. Looking to areas for prioritization and cost savings will be a priority. An additional goal will be to look at how the city's oversight and inspection procedures can be improved so that we don't have construction projects which produce additional expenditures such as the $24 million for ``sick schools,'' recreation centers which need million dollar repairs, and judicial centers where the escalators (and who knows what else) do not work.

2. I possess the experience, education and ability to lead the city into the 21st century. I have led numerous community organizations, served three terms on City Council and as vice mayor. I served as Chairman of the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission. I received a bachelor's degree from Berea College in Kentucky and a master's degree in vocational and technical education supervision from Virginia Tech as well as having teaching experience at both the high school and grade school level. My actions will be based on analysis and ranking of city needs developed after research and listening to citizens as well as working cooperatively with other council members to achieve our goals. VIRGINIA BEACH


Age: 40

Address: 700 block of Arctic Ave. (Oceanfront)

Occupation: runs family-owned Southshore Resort Inn

1. Some things I would like to see accomplished:

1. Water flowing to us from Lake Gaston by 1998.

2. Adoption of a Comprehensive Plan that will allow us to develop within our resources and with an emphasis on quality.

3. Continued refinement of our economic development strategies directed towards new business growth, tourism and agriculture.

4. Continuing our Outdoor Plan with integrated horse, bike, canoe and hiking trail systems.

5. Several new golf courses built by the private sector.

6. Continued progress on our backlog of streetlight, stormwater drainage and other neighborhood projects.

7. Keeping our education and public safety departments second to none, and maintaining a dedicated staff to serve our citizens.

2. The special qualities I believe I possess that makes me qualified for this job is simply the fact that I love this wonderful city and want to contribute in some small way to making it the very best it can possibly be. AT-LARGE


Age: 38

Address: 1600 block of Will-O-Wisp Drive (Linkhorn Estates)

Occupation: helps run family-owned Windjammer Motel at the oceanfront and barbershops at Pembroke Mall and Haygood Shopping Center

1. As your City Councilmember I will be responsible to the citizens of Virginia Beach. To accomplish this fiscal responsibility, it is imperative to be ever vigilant of our city's funds. I will work to develop successful economic development in order to expand our tax base, not our tax rate. This in turn will support the needs of our community. Quality, safety, clean environment and bringing Lake Gaston home will enhance our economic development effort and improve the quality of life we enjoy as citizens of our city.

I feel it is important to bring back normalcy to our public school system. Consolidate duplicated services. I will work hard and diligently to ensure trust and accountability between our citizens and school system. Our children are our future and the quality of education must be the best it can be!

With teamwork, discipline, the ability to listen and with proper management of our resources we can move forward. Fresh points of view solve old problems.

2. I will bring sound leadership abilities, consensus building skills, strength and guidance into a positive direction from the council. Our city is now into its second generation and I am willing and able to add the energy and enthusiasm that is needed for the future. I have a balanced perspective that allows me to listen and review all aspects of an issue fairly. Being an active resident involved in diverse interests including the economy, schools, taxes and safety, allows me to be more in tune to the concerns we all share. I believe in being involved. I have a vested interest in the quality and future of our city.


Age: 75

Address: 4000 block of N. Witchduck Road (Witchduck)

Occupation: chairman of Mega Mazda car dealership on Holland Road

1. Most significant would be the healing process between City Council and the new School Board. Once our educational system was the envy of most cities in the state as well as the magnet used to draw economic development. We must return to that!

Also important is the continued aggressive pursuit of our Lake Gaston water supply of 60 million gallons a day. This water supply will assure this region an ample supply to encourage the growth needed to make better paying jobs available to our young people who wish to remain in the area.

I would like to enhance the reputation of our city as a resort/tourist destination as well as a convention center. To accomplish this we need a convention center hotel, more golf courses and citizens friendly parking.

Last but not least is to retain our reputation as a safe and crime free city! We must see to it that our Police and Fire personnel are adequately staffed, trained and compensated.

2. I am a business owner employing 45 people most of whom have worked for me a long time.

That activity requires an ability to address personnel matters, customers satisfaction sills and to set goals and objectives for a successful business.

My college major in accounting certainly lends itself to an understanding of municipal finance, which is an essential ingredient in budget analysis, preparation and compliance.

My service in the military endows me with an understanding of the discipline necessary to cooperate with other council members to get a job done.


Age: 38

Address: 600 block of Orangewood Drive (Green Run)

Occupation: collection manager for a law firm

1. I would like to accomplish upgrading services to older communities including utilities, schools, parks, Fire and Police stations. Decreasing congestion with additional roads, final completion of Lynnhaven Parkway to the City of Chesapeake and exploring opportunities in the area of Mass Transit. I will work for elimination of the Storm Water Maintenance Fee and the BPOL Tax or its modification.

In Economic Development, I will work with local business leaders to relocate outside business and recreational opportunities to our area that would benefit and stimulate our local economy. Accomplish regionalism through each member city becoming an active member and participant in Forward Hampton Roads. Once litigation is resolved and water assured, I would relieve some restrictions to stimulate building.

As an active participant, I have seen the shortage of staff and at times equipment. I would expand Community Policing and Fire Safety with additional staffing and equipment through state and federal funding. Maintain adequate staffing levels based upon population and bring salaries up to levels of comparable cities.

In the area of Public Education I would work more closely with the School Board to ensure fiscal accountability and accomplish manageable teacher-student ratios.

2. The willingness to listen and learn, an open mind, fair judgment, a belief in God, the ability to bring New Vision and Leadership.

In addition, being a graduate of the Virginia Institute of Political Leadership, vice president of the largest homes association in Hampton Roads (with 15,000 residents), Executive Officer with the Boy Scouts of America, Elder in the Presbyterian Church, Board member on the Community Organization of Incentive Grants, the Tidewater Center for Access Technology and Co-Chair of the Oceana NAS Restoration Advisory Board. LOUIS PACE

Louis Pace

Born: Jan. 15, 1935, in St. Louis, Mo.

Residence: Hunts Neck Court in Hunt Club Forest. Has lived in Virginia Beach since 1980.

Family: Married 15 years to Patricia Pace. They have two adult daughters.

Education: Balboa High School in the Panama Canal Zone; studied civil engineering for 1 1/2 years at University of Missouri; bachelor of science in business administration from Washington University in St. Louis, 1962.

Community Service: Past president, Hunt Club Forest Civic Association; Past director, Council of Civic Organizations; Former parlimentarian, Council of Civic Organizations. MEMO: City Council candidate forums

Tuesday - A Virginia Beach City Republican Caucus will be held at

6:45 p.m. in the Virginia Beach Central Library auditorium. Virginia

Beach Republicans desiring to participate for the purpose of endorsing

candidates for the School Board and the City Council are invited to

attend. The public, regardless of party affiliation, is invited to hear

the candidates speak at the meeting.

April 20 - The Sandbridge Beach Civic League is sponsoring a forum

for City Council candidates at 10:30 a.m. at the Sandbridge Community

Chapel, 3041 S. Sandpiper Road.

May 3 - The Lake Edward Civic League and Neighborhood Advisory

Council will hold a forum for City Council candidates from 7 to 9 p.m.

at Good Samaritan Church, 848 Baker Road.

April 29 - The Bay Colony/Cavalier Park Civic Association has invited

City Council candidates to answer questions at 8 p.m. at Galilee

Episcopal Church, 40th Street and Pacific Avenue.

Referendum on our election process

In addition to choosing School Board and City Council members, voters

will be asked to vote YES or NO to the following question:

Should the City Council member elected to represent a particular

borough be elected by all qualified voters throughout the city (an

at-large system) rather than only by the qualified voters residing in

that particular borough (a ward system)? If you wish to vote for all 11

Council seats, vote YES! If you prefer to vote for only 5 of the 11

seats, vote NO!''

We will examine the question in upcoming editions before May 7. To

learn more on your own, contact either of these political action


Citizens for Accountable Government, which supports the present

system and is urging voters to say YES. Contact Judy Connors at


Citizens for Electoral Reform, which wants a modified ward system and

is urging voters to say NO. Contact Maury Jackson at 428-1470.

ILLUSTRATION: Photos of all candidates