The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, April 14, 1996                 TAG: 9604140214
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C10  EDITION: FINAL 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   76 lines


When Shawn O'Dell was at Louisburg Junior College in North Carolina he felt like he never got the chance to show what he could do.

``The coach there kept taking me out against lefties,'' O'Dell said. ``At Louisburg the atmosphere just wasn't right.''

Travel north up Interstate 95 and east on Route 58 and O'Dell, an Indian River alumnus, would find himself at home at Virginia Wesleyan College.

There he found a comfortable atmosphere and his niche.

``I can do more free swinging here (Virginia Wesleyan),'' O'Dell said. ``I am hitting more home runs and I am more confident too.''

The road to the Marlins' field had its good moments too. He was drafted right out of high school by the Florida Marlins in the 20th round.

But O'Dell didn't sign. He had seen what it had done to some of his friends who were drafted out of high school and opted to play college ball.

``It was a great feeling (being drafted) and it doesn't happen a lot,'' O'Dell said. ``Some of my high school friends got released. I just want to make sure that I am ready. I want to make sure that I can reach my potential.''

Currently, O'Dell, a sophomore, is putting up some impressive numbers for Wesleyan. Heading into the weekend he was leading the team in home runs with five, RBIs with 28 and batting average at .403.

Marlins coach Nick Boothe has been impressed with the improvement of O'Dell and more with his attitude.

``He is a great guy and works hard,'' Boothe said. ``He does everything you ask of him. He comes early (to practice) and is one of the last ones to leave.

``Whoever said that he had an attitude problem should apologize to him. He is one of the best kids we have had here.''

O'Dell feels that he will have as good a chance of being drafted during or after college as he did before. He hopes to be drafted in a higher round this time.

``He is a good natural hitter,'' Boothe said. ``He has some flaws, but I think that with my knowledge of hitting and his natural ability there aren't going to be too many pitchers that are going to be able to get him out easily.

Here, he can play everyday and workout the kinks. He is hitting at .400 now with some flaws. He will be able to own Division III with hard work.''

MONARCHS REPORT: Entering the weekend catcher Matt Quatraro is ranked 46th nationally in hitting (.421) and ninth in doubles (19). Old Dominion is 22nd in the nation in fielding at .966. . . . The 19th annual Greenwich Kitchen/ODU Baseball clinic that was postponed Feb. 28 due to snow, will take pace on April 27 at the Bud from noon until 2 p.m. Norfolk Tides skipper Bobby Valentine and Monarchs coach Tony Guzzo as well as players from both teams will provide instruction. . . . The cheerleading team placed 11th in the non-football division in the National Cheerleading Collegiate Championships. Their score of 624 was the highest ever for a first time competitor. . . . The sailing team qualified for the ICYRA National Collegiate team race championships with a second place finish in the MAISA regional championships. Mitchell Rogers, Stephanie Sharlow, Aaron Szamecki, Rob Ragsdale (First Colonial), Fred Sage, and Joby Breck comprised the squad.

SPARTANS REPORT: First baseman Omari Venable leads the team in hitting entering the weekend at .418. Freshman Shawn Bradley has 19 RBI's in the last 12 games. Catcher John Defere (Green Run) leads the team in RBIs with 30. Sophomore pitcher David Ellyson (Greenbrier Christian) is 4-2 and has one save. Pitcher John Coles (Booker T.) leads the staff with a 2.25 ERA. He also tossed a no-hitter against St. Paul's, fanning 11.

ALUMNI REPORT: Frank VanDeman (Cox) has qualified for the 100th running of the Boston Marathon. The University of Virginia student qualified for the race by virtue of his fifth-place finish in the Shamrock Qualifier in March of 1995. ILLUSTRATION: Photo

Shawn O'Dell, a transfer from Louisburg College, leads Virginia

Wesleyan in average, home runs and RBIs.

by CNB