The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, April 18, 1996               TAG: 9604180011
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A12  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Editorial 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   46 lines


Monday night, Suffolk and Chesapeake citizens got a chance to look at candidates for their School Board races at community forums. For the next two weeks, the process will be repeated all over Hampton Roads as voters try to sort out the ballot.

In Suffolk, the choices are fairly straightforward: for each race, a modest slate of candidates. But in Chesapeake, Portsmouth and, especially, Virginia Beach, the ballots look like menus in a Chinese restaurant. For school board, pick two of 24 or five out of 16 names. For council, pick one of six or three of nine.

Voters can make one of three choices:

(1) Stay home and ignore the whole thing. That's easy, but it gives someone else the chance to decide who will have the power to raise taxes, educate children, police the streets, manage growth.

(2) Vote essentially at random. ``Oh, that name sounds familiar. Uncle Bob says this guy's good.''

(3) Take a look at the candidates, listen to what they say, compare their experiences and credentials and decide who's the best man or woman for the job.

Those interested in the third route - making an informed choice - have plenty of chances to see the candidates in action. The Virginian-Pilot is sponsoring or co-hosting several forums for school-board candidates, for instance.

In Virginia Beach, they'll take place tonight and tomorrow night and Saturday morning, April 18-20, at Kempsville Recreation Center. Next Monday, April 22, Chesapeake candidates will appear at Central Library and Portsmouth candidates will face voters at Churchland High School.

Other groups are providing additional opportunities to meet and assess the candidates. This newspaper will carry details in the days ahead. We urge voters who care about the future of their city, their schools and Hampton Roads to get out and see the candidates, listen to their views, evaluate their credentials and vote on May 7. by CNB