The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, April 19, 1996                 TAG: 9604180143
TYPE: Sports 
SOURCE: Lee Tolliver
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   86 lines


On May 11, the sixth annual Hooked on Fishing, Not on Drugs bluefishing tournament will be held out of Rudee Inlet.

Each year, thousands of elementary schoolchildren write essays on the evils of drugs for the chance to compete in the fishing tournament. The anglers with the eight biggest fish will win a chance to go on a deep sea charter this summer.

Last summer's luckies caught and released several blue marlin.

Such introductions to a tradition as old as history are important to teaching youngsters the value of conservation and a love of Mother Nature.

But a new group in town would rather these kids hooked rugs instead of fish.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals - PETA - has finally arrived in South Hampton Roads.

Whether we like it or not, the anti-fishing group has set up shop in Norfolk. Expect to see the group's members at most, if not all, fishing tournaments, launching sites and piers.

Members of the group will likely be at Rudee Inlet for the annual youth fishing trip.

While PETA members appear to mean you no harm, anglers had best beware. This group is out to put a stop to fishing - a hobby that is part of an angler's soul. They have put their own self-interests and egos ahead of those of upstanding citizens who appreciate fishing for the joy that it is.

They seek to put out of business the hundreds who make their living from angling.

Don't laugh. As funny as it might sound, this group is quite serious. Because of PETA's efforts, there are several places in Europe where fishing is no longer allowed.

So now they are here in our mecca of fresh and salt water angling opportunities.

And they will likely target this group of 60 or more youngsters who will fish on 14 luxury charter boats.

As if confronting adults about fishing isn't bad enough, this group could leave these children much confused about what is right and what is wrong.

Let it be known right from the start that what these children will be doing is very much right and what PETA is trying to do is incredibly wrong.

While having a cause is just fine, PETA members are blind to what the results of their efforts could be.

Think of it just in our area alone.

Hundreds of people depend on fishing as a livelihood in some way, shape or form. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are collected in our area in the form of taxes and licenses. Some money goes toward the common interest of all and other goes to research in helping our environment.

PETA would have those folks out of work.

PETA's first approaches to anglers comes in the form of a survey on fishing taken by members who fail to identify themselves as being with the group. The questions are often leading and answers can easily be twisted around to say that fishermen surveyed agreed with PETA's notions.

Demonstrations and protests at fishing events will soon follow. Members have even vowed to disrupt fishing operations and tournaments.

It's safe to say that such actions won't be met lightly by area anglers - be they those out for fun or those making a living.

Either way, the group will be trying its best to get a reaction out of those it is protesting against and will then use said actions to try and make fishermen look bad.

So here's some advice and please take it to heart.

When approached by one of these people in any way, shape or fashion, politely decline to be interviewed and ask to be left alone. If they start pestering you, warn them that you will call the police. If the action continues, make that call.

But whatever you do, don't get into an argument with these people and please, please, refrain from violence. These people would love to have a confrontation with anglers.

As hard as it might be to do, remember this is a free country and these people have the right to voice their opinions. It will surely be difficult to keep in mind all these things given the fact that these people are out to mess up your right to legally enjoy angling for whatever reason you enjoy it for.

Just don't let them get the best of us.

The first local test might come next month at the youth fishing tournament and several involved with the event have said they'd welcome the challenge because it would give anglers the chance to show PETA that we're better than they are. by CNB