The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, April 19, 1996                 TAG: 9604190510
SECTION: LOCAL                    PAGE: B7   EDITION: FINAL 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   54 lines


These are actions from the Norfolk City Council meeting Tuesday. All members were present. Unless otherwise noted, all actions were unanimous.

Consent agenda

Letter from the city manager advising of emergency procurement for repairs to the sanitary sewer line across Lake Whitehurst. Approved.

Letter from the city manager advising of emergency procurement for repairs to a collapsed sewer main on Gowrie Avenue. Approved.

Letter from the city manager transmitting statement of legal debt margin as of March 31, 1996. Approved.

Letter from the city manager forwarding a report of contingent fund activity for the third quarter ending March 31, 1996. Approved.

Letter from the city manager presenting recommendation of the City Planning Commission on the application of Covenant Presbyterian Church to amend the General Plan map and the Brambleton Neighborhood Plan to accommodate a parking lot at 913 Covenant St. and 1660 Corprew Ave. Recommended action: Authorize city clerk to advertise for a public hearing on May 21. Approved.

Letter from the city manager presenting recommendation of the City Planning Commission on the application of Covenant Presbyterian Church for a change of zoning from R-8 (one family) and PDR-3 (Planned Development) to conditional IN-1 (Institutional District) at 1660 Corprew Ave. and 913 Covenant St. Recommended action: Authorize city clerk to advertise for a public hearing on May 21. Approved.

Regular agenda

An ordinance approving acceptance of jail canteen funds and appropriating $50,000, if and when received from the Norfolk sheriff. (Passed by at the March 26 and April 9 meetings.) Continued to a later meeting.

An ordinance authorizing the city treasurer to docket a lien against certain lands or premises for the expenses to abate nuisances. Approved.

An ordinance authorizing the Norfolk Airport Authority to apply for authorization from the Federal Aviation Administration to impose and use a passenger facility charge to fund certain improvements at Norfolk International Airport, giving certain assurances to the FAA with regard to said imposition and use of funds collected, and authorizing the city manager to execute such documents as may be necessary to perfect the application and implement the collection and use of passenger facility charge. Approved.

An ordinance approving an $892,719 Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services Grant application and appropriating $466,494 for the Pretrial Services Program, and $426,225 for the Local Offender Treatment and Supervision Program of the Norfolk Criminal Justice Services. Approved.