The Virginian-Pilot
                            THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT  
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, May 5, 1996                    TAG: 9605020402
SERIES: Decision '96
        Election Guide
                                             LENGTH: Long  : 1390 lines


[Questions and Answers]

1. What political activities and community service are you involved in?

2. Would you vote against your personal beliefs if the public disagreed?

3. On what things are you not willing to compromise?

4. What two promises will you make and how will you keep citizens informed?

5. How will you compensate for the declines in state and federal money?

6. How can we avoid the problems associated with big-city school districts?

7. What will you do to reassure the public about our schools' fiscal integrity?

8. Party affiliation, endorsements, campaign contributions [Answers from the Candidate] AT-LARGE CANDIATES, 2-YEAR TERM

Gail A. Ball

Born: Nov. 12, 1942, in Norfolk

Years in city: 28

Education: B.S. in education, Gordon College; graduate courses in teaching of reading, clinic work, music at Gordon College, Westminster Choir College and University of Richmond.

Occupation: Real estate broker associate with Hutcheson Realty

1. Member, Virginia Beach Republican Committee; School Board candidate, 1994; Student Leadership Forum Advisory Committee by legislative appointment, part-time legislative aide to Del. Frank Wagner, 1995; Francis Land House Board of Governors; Tidewater Association of Realtors

2. Yes. For example, if the public wanted more portable classrooms, I would probably feel compelled to vote for them, even though I do not like them and would work to do away with them.

3. I will not compromise on the demand for a balanced school budget and the goals that Virginia Beach have the best school system in Virginia.

4. I have actually made five. They are collectively called Gail Ball's Agenda for Accountability. If anyone would like a copy, please call 340-4741.

5. We have to cut questionable spending in the school budget and refocus that money to the classroom. I hope that the City Council would not punish the school system for finding savings by shrinking our budget, but rather they would allow us to dedicate that money to the classroom in the form of more teachers and more aides.

6. We need to recruit the best teachers in the region. Importantly, that means we need to spend a little more money on teachers' salaries if we can afford it and keep teacher-student ratios as low as we can afford. Also make an effort to promote greater parent involvement in their children's education.

7. Require that all revenue forecasts and budget transfers be approved by the School Board. If there are numerous budget transfers, then we know we started with a shaky budget and we know where to fix the problem in the subsequent budget.

8. Republican, Endorsed by the Republican Caucus, Total contributions: $2,990, Total Expenditures: $7,329

Donald F. Bennis

Born: Sept. 2, 1951, in London, England

Years in city: 17

Education: B.S., Old Dominion University; L.L.B., College of William and Mary

Occupation: Attorney

1. Appointed to Virginia Beach School Board in 1995 and to Virginia Beach Erosion Commission in 1986; member of Pembroke Kiwanis Club, Chamber of Commerce Legislative Committee and Princess Anne Bank Advisory Board; chairman, Neptune Festival Heritage Day; Canine Companions for Indepencence; PTA; Civic League

2. As an elected official responsible to the public, I would certainly review my position on an issue that was contrary to public opinion.

3. Safety of children and staff, enhanced curriculums, discipline

4. I will always be available to listen to citizens and to address all legitimate questions or issues presented to me. I would keep the public informed through open communication.

5. Approve and fund a budget that provides for the needs of the school division with city revenues making up for declines in federal or state monies. Review organizational structure to eliminate duplication of effort. Look at personnel and salaries and consider combining departments to reduce costs.

6. I would support measures to insure fiscal responsibility. I support early intervention programs for at-risk students to help reduce the drop-out rate. I would work to ensure safety in schools by strictly enforcing student discipline codes and taking a strong stand against unacceptable behavior.

7. Work to successfully implement the programs in the proposed 1996-97 budget while carefully monitoring all expenditures.

8. Endorsed by the Virginia Beach Education Association

and the Filipino-American Country Action Group of Hampton Roads.

Total Contributions: $3,630

Total Expenditures: $6,545 Support includes: $500 in-kind training from Virginia Education Association Patricia L. Burns [No information available]

Charles ``Don'' Clark

Born: July 13, 1936, in Eufaula, Okla.

Years in city: 28 years

Education: Associates' degree, St. Leo College, St. Leo, Fla.; four years toward degree in business, St. Leo College

Occupation: Certified residential real estate appraiser, owner of Clark Realty Services

1. None

2. I am against accepting federal money under Goals 2000. If the citizens of Virginia Beach made it clear they wanted the School Board by way of the state, to accept those funds, I would follow their wishes to the extent that I was allowed to under the law.

3. I am not willing to compromise on my goal of spending more dollars per student and less for administration. No compromise on not allowing site-based management. No compromise on working toward higher pay for our teachers and better academic record of our students.

4. I will always be honest and forthright. I will be their voice on the School Board. I will keep them informed by speaking at civic league meetings, PTAs and by suggesting to the board that we publish a ``score card'' for each candidate - what they did, what they voted for and days absent from the board. By making myself available to voters to speak to any group or individual.

5. Seeking a partnership with business, industry and the public and ask for their cooperation in terms of monetary gifts, donations and seek their advice in solving the problem as no one person has the answer to such a complex problem. Colleges charitable contributions that help them to survive. Our public schools could be assisted in the same manner.

6. Get parents more involved by allowing for more input from parents. Seek out the advice of business leaders, public safety officials, religious leaders. But, most of all allow for more participation by parents and then hold them accountable for the actions of their children. An Ad Hoc committee of the groups noted above would be one way to start.

7. Promote, vote for and support within the School Board a requirement that we give a monthly accounting of our financial picture and honestly discuss any problem areas in public discussions. Use executive sessions only for discussion of personnel matters.

8. Republican.

Total contributions: $75

Total expenditures: $75

George T. Coker

Born: July 14, 1943, in Amarillo, Texas

Years in city: 16

Education: B.S. in political science, University of San Diego; additional courses, Old Dominion University

Occupation: Government computer analyst

1. Soccer coach; assistant football and baseball coach; scoutmaster; civic league vice-president; Great Neck Association of Civic Leagues treasurer; active in church

2. As a representative of the citizens, I will be guided by the majority view of the citizens and will do what I think is best for all.

3. The people of this city want good, sound, basic education and the School Board must do its best to determine how to achieve this. Compromise is an inherent part of the process. The only thing which I will not compromise is my integrity. I will not be dishonest nor betray the trust which parents and students have placed in me.

4. I promise to do publicly what I have been doing for years: working with parents, teachers and children; leading, persuading and encouraging; building consensus, morale and rapport; developing character in children and fostering team spirit.

5. [no response]

6. [no response]

7. It is time for the School Board to take the facts to the people of our city. We need to be open and honest. We must develop a solid and efficient budget and then indicate where more money is needed. The people of this city are quite capable of deciding how much money they will fund for education if we provide them with honest information. 8. Endorsed by Citizens Action Coalition Total Contribution: $3,560

Total Expenditures: $3,294

Daniel D. Edwards

Born: March 11, 1947 in Pontiac, Ill.

Education: B.S. in education from Northwestern University and M.B.A. from the College of William and Mary

Occupation: Accountant, Controller for Batchelder & Collins Inc.

1. Tidewater Striders Running Club: board of directors, youth development director, audit chairperson, National Volunteer of Year for Road Runners Clubs of America; Boy Scouts of America: cubmaster, troop committee chairperson, merit badge counselor; Church Men's Fellowship president

2. An example: School uniforms. I personally do not like them or the need for them but if they work and people want them, I would support the expansion of pilots on the current optional basis.

3. Financial integrity and personal accountability of board members and senior staff for their actions and decisions.

4. Fiscal crisis will be put behind us and not recur. Quality of school programs will not be compromised.

5. Although there are small savings available through further cuts in the central staff, additional local funds for schools will be required to avoid reducing instructional programs.

6. Enhancing school security using new technology will help. Increasing parental involvement in the schools also will keep our schools from becoming urbanized.

7. Assign personal accountability for various elements of the budget to senior staff and ensure they are aware of their responsibility to spend within the budget or formally notify the board of actions required to do so

8. Party affiliation: Republican

Total Contributions: 0, Total Expenditures: $125 < James A. Grace

Born: Jan. 5, 1952 in Charlestown, Md.

Years in District: 6

Education: B.S., U.S. Naval Academy; M.A., Naval War College; M.S., Naval Postgraduate School; doctoral studies, Temple University.

Occupation: Retired from Navy; currently educational specialist with D P Associates.

1. No political experience; multiple church activities; ``soccer dad.''

2. Most, actually. I already have been persuaded about the potential value of school uniforms. There are too many good ideas out there to get mule-brained.

3. My God, my country, and anything that would embarrass my mother.

4. That they will understand the REAL priorities of the school board's educational philosophy before I leave. I'll give them straight, unpoliticized answers to questions - even if they don't like the answers.

5. Get everybody to agree on what ESSENTIAL means. Fund that to 100 percent. See where the cut line falls on the priority list and decide whether enough is enough or whether to up our taxes.

6. School problems arise when the parents lose control. I'd encourage 100 parents to run for school board next time. We need blue collars, homemakers and other middle-class folks VOTING ON THE BOARD on issues of importance to the community.

7. Establish detailed educational priorities, publish them, and follow them!

8. Party affiliation: Republican

Total Contributions: 0, Total Expenditures: $0

Michael B. Moore

Born: Nov. 18, 1949 in Portsmouth

Years in city: 33

Education: B.S., Madison College (James Madison University); M.S., Old Dominion University; currently in certification track for Middle School Guidance and Counseling, ODU

Occupation: Probation Counselor, Virginia Beach Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court

1. Served in PTA positions at Salem Junior High and Landstown Middle schools; soccer coach; church youth leader and Sunday school teacher.

2. Yes. Supporting the tax credit/voucher issue, if citizens want that choice.

3. Will not vote to cut any educational program shown to be beneficial; will not vote to approve any motion that promotes overcrowded schools or classrooms without researching all alternatives; will not vote to make staff bear the responsibility of an under-funded budget through furloughs or pay cuts.

4. Promise to safeguard the schools' fiscal integrity and seek other funding to augment programs; promise that Virginia Beach will preserve its reputation for being an education leader, that educational needs of all children will be met and the curriculum expanded to prepare them for global economy.

5. Apply for private and public grants. A business and educational consortium in cooperation with Chamber of Commerce could help secure funding. Already the Department of Career and Technology has generated over $500,000 in grants from major corporations. We could do the same on a wider scale.

6. We must continue to maintain the personal influence and concern that we affirm today. Schools must not reach a point of over-population where the learning process is affected. If growth requires new schools to be built, then that is what must take place.

7. I would move to make public on a monthly or quarterly basis the publishing of the school division's current financial status. This will be possible when the new software is installed and operational.

8. Party affiliation: Independent

Total Contributions: $735 < Total Expenditures: $1,430

Michael P. Nagelin

Born: Jan. 15, 1955

Years in city: 4

Education: B.S., U.S. Naval Academy; Master's in operations and management; N.C. Effective Teacher Training; certified mediator

Occupation: Mortgage loan officer, Resource Mortgage

1. None

2. I am sure there will be occasions when public opinion, budget limitations or regulations will over-ride my personal beliefs. (i.e. salaries, special programs and capital improvements)

3. I will not compromise my personal or professional ethics to make a popular decision.

4. I promise honest representation and consideration of their views and opinions and to emphasize the best possible education for all students. I will encourage the public to attend school board meetings and I will remain accessible by mail, telephone and e-mail.

5. We must be able to solidly support the funding requests sent to city council on the basis of true need and council must have confidence that we will not request more than is needed and is defensible. We should also promote increased corporate sponsorship and search for alternate sources of funds.

6. I will support school administrators in their efforts to remove disruptive influences from the classroom and campus. I will also support the effort to maintain and improve our school facilities and programs to prevent stagnation and decay in our educational system.

7. All finance decisions should be thoroughly examined by the school board prior to committing funds and the public should be assured that funds will not be wasted on unwise or frivolous endeavors.


Total Contributions: $0 < Total Expenditures: $0

Raymond A. Newlon

Born: Oct. 29, 1952 in Charleston, S.C.

Years in city: 16

Education: Attended Old Dominion University and Tidewater Community College

Occupation: District Manager, Hapag-Lloyd (America) Inc.

1. Board member, Hampton Roads Maritime Association; Contract Board of Hampton Roads Shipping Association; advisory committee, Virginia Port Authority; planning committee for World Conference on World Trade, Virginia Chamber of Commerce; U.S. Coast Guard Reserve

2. There will be times when I would need to check my views at the door of the board room. I do not feel it is logical for me to give an example against an idea or issue that may never materialize.

3. We have a responsibility as citizens to provide the best affordable education for the children in Virginia Beach. I will not compromise on needed resources and tools to achieve this obligation.

4. First, I will not forget that I am accountable to all the citizens of Virginia Beach. Second, I will work to provide the best resources for ensuring the best education possible to all children in Virginia Beach.

5. I will do this by making sure our expenditures are spent wisely. One does not need to drive a luxury car if a lesser vehicle will do just as well.

6. I will work to make sure this does not change. The stakeholders need to feel part of the system and this can be continued through community involvement. I will work with the board to see that we do not lose touch with the pulse of the community.

7. The one step will be to assure the citizens of Virginia Beach that a farmer will be watching the hen house, not a fox. Dr. Jenney has indicated there will be budget workshops for the board and this is a step in the right direction. We are seeking an office ``to educate'' and we, too, must be educated.

8. Party affiliation: Independent

Total Contributions: $420 < Total Expenditures: $405

Louis R. Soscia

Born: Jan. 15, 1922, in Brooklyn, N.Y.

Years in city: 30

Education: B.A. and Master's in Education, George Washington University

Occupation: Retired Metropolitan Life Insurance sales and management

1. Red Cross blood donor (136 pints and still donating); Meals-on-Wheels volunteer

2. I don't believe that I would vote against the public beliefs.

3. I would not be willing compromise on expenditures for disabled students or disrespect for races or religious beliefs.

4. To police the school division's expenditures and make periodic visits to schools; through PTA and civic league meetings.

5. Through regional purchasing of supplies and exchange of educational programs.

6. Maintain policing and supervision to prevent drug problems, vandalism, encourage respect for school property; teachers should act and look like role models. The first step is proper parental guidance; school dress uniforms.

7. Constant budget and expenditure review.


Total Contributions: $750 < Total Expenditures: $1,340

Claude R. Thompson

Born: Sept. 3, 1927, in Kay County, Okla.

Years in city: 20

Education: Public schools, Cowley County, Kansas; Oklahoma A&M, one year; Coast Guard Academy 1950, B.S. in Engineering; MIT 1956 Naval Engineer

Occupation: Environmental and Marine Consultant

1. Precinct chairman in Stratford Chase; Collector for American Lung and American Cancer Societies; blood donor

2. If a majority of the public disagreed. However, I would not respond to a small, noisy, militant group.

3. I will not compromise on quality of education.

4. Make the school system accountable for the quality of its graduates; make sure each student feels safe and free from intimidation in the schools. Report test scores of students, publish and present to groups.

5. Improve efficiency through analysis of programs; ask for funds from other city programs where the school system is filling a role to alleviate their problems.

6. Large groupings of high density housing is a major cause of problems. Proper space planning may prevent pockets of lack of recreational space.

7. Develop understandable reports on school budgets, expenditure progress and future strategies.


Total Contributions: $1,240< < Total Expenditures: $ 783

Alfred A. Wallace III

Born: Manhattan, New York City

Years in city: 6

Education: Master's, Engineering Management, George Washington University; B.A. in Chemistry, University of Guam

Occupation: Technical and Programs consultant to Department of Defense

1. Planner for Fine Arts Advisory Council, Summer Arts program

2. I support silent prayer, but I would support the community if no silent prayer is desired. I support sex education to inform students about the destruction AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases cause. Abstinence is the best policy, but I would support the community if no sex education is desired.

3. Budget and school integrity.

4. Hold town hall meetings to hear the citizens and discuss issues; establish mini school boards to facilitate this concept.

5. Enhance the school partnership programs and expand the corporate sponsorships to involve more of the business community; bottom-up review and PAT team problem resolution processes to identify areas for consolidation and streamlining.

6. [no response]

7. [no response]

8. Party affiliation: Republican

Total Contributions: $ 374 < Total Expenditures: $374<

Robert E. Beardsley

Born: May 21, 1955, in New York, N.Y.

Years in city: 4

Education: B.S., magna cum laude, Manhattan Catholic College

Occupation: Certified public accountant in Virginia, Texas, New York

1. Texas youth league soccer coach; volunteer tax preparer for poor in New York; volunteer at home for disabled children; volunteer ambulance technician while in Navy; teach budgeting and cash flow section of SCORE, a Small Business Administration program

2. Yes. For example, issues where I feel the school system usurps the parents' role. If the consensus of the people is to have schools address certain private family matters, I would support it.

3. Making sure all our children's needs are met first and never spending money that does not exist.

4. I will always act in a fiscally responsible manner and do whatever I can to make certain the entire school system does the same. I will always consider the needs of all the children in the community first. Will attend public meetings, when invited, and issue press releases to keep communications open.

5. I want to participate in reviews of school administration to identify and eliminate administrative waste. The dollars freed up will be available to cover funding gaps. Advocate private sector involvement, particularly with computers.

6. I disagree. Virginia Beach is in the throes of severe big city problems - lack of money. A $12 million deficit last year, a tax increase this year to cover an expanded budget. . . this is a problem that will require years of focus and compassion to fix.

7. One step won't do it, but important steps are: monthly budget vs. actual review sessions with independent annual audits.


Total Contributions: $0 < Total Expenditures: $2,129

Raymond D. Beck

Born: March 15, 1944, in Rahway, N.J.

Years in city: 2

Education: B.A., Monmouth College; courses in small business management, introduction to computers and construction trades

Occupation: Building contractor

1. Eight years as manager in Little League baseball; fund-raising for high school band and Multiple Sclerosis Society, chairman of the by-laws revision committee; committee chairman for annual neighborhood barbecue

2. Not sure. I would be open to new facts that would influence my decision.

3. Separation of church and state

4. I will not hesitate to question the administration regarding any expense that appears excessive or unnecessary. I will continually look for ways to shift funds to support the classroom teacher.

5. Eliminate superfluous administrative positions and perks such as food services, travel and consultants. Seek more reasonable bids for legal and architectural services.

6. The Target Neighborhood programs are excellent. I would support and encourage continuation of similar activities.

7. Advise the internal auditor that she should report directly to the board and any problems associated with her function. This position has to be totally independent and free from interference.


Total Contributions: $0 < Total Expenditures: $0

Sandra C. Bowie

Born: Nov. 24, 1949, in Riverside, N.J.

Years in city: 24

Education: B.S. in health and physical education; M.S. in education

Occupation: Adjunct professor at Old Dominion University

1. PTA, John B. Dey Elementary School planning council member; fund-raiser for Boys and Girls Club of South Hampton Roads; Virginia Beach Swim League co-representative for the Broad Bay Country Club; member Bayshore Circle of Virginia Beach ``Play for Children'' tennis tournament fund-raiser; Sunday school teacher

2. I am unclear as to the meaning of the part of the question which relates to ``if the public disagreed.'' I would vote in spite of personal opinion, in favor of the best interest of the students, school and community.

3. Things of principal and integrity

4. I will keep the best interests of all the students, as they relate to educational needs, foremost. I will work cooperatively to regain sound fiscal responsibility and restore communication between the City Council, the constituents of Virginia Beach and the School Board.

5. The citizens of Virginia Beach are expressing a redirection to higher standards, leadership with integrity and a respect for individual rights of religion. The parents of school-age children demand that their child's needs be met and that all necessary services be provided. Services cost money. If the citizens want the services then they need to provide the funds when federal and state aid decrease.

6. One, begin the process of identifying the priorities for the School Board to cooperatively establish the direction of the new School Board and begin tackling the issues. Identify and outline the areas of agreement and areas of disagreement with individual board members.

7. I will keep them informed and clearly communicate topics and issues on televised School Board meetings, through schoolwide newsletters. Possibly The Virginian-Pilot can provide a column for the School Board in the future.


Total Contributions: $4,815 < Total Expenditures: $ 4,352

Donald R. Bradway

Born: March 12, 1950, in Philadelphia

Years in city: 22

Education: B.S. in business administration, University of Delaware

Occupation: Vice president of operations IDAX Inc. of Norfolk

1. Past president and board member Larkspur Swim Club; Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce Azalea Festival committee, 1991-1994; president Harbor Front Kiwanis; ruling elder, senior high teacher, youth Sunday coordinator, adult choir soloist for Kings Grant Presbyterian Church; Formal Fashion Fling committee member at Kempsville High School

2. I believe in open and meaningful communication to discuss all issues no matter what my personal opinion may be. I will not vote to be ``politically correct'' or side with the majority if I do not agree with the consequences of the action.

3. I will not compromise on issues that impact student education in the core curriculum of communication (written, verbal and visual), mathematics, science and social studies.

4. I will ensure the primary focus of the School Board is on education and not dealing with the financial management crisis of the recent past. I will listen to varying viewpoints on issues facing the School Board prior to taking actions. I will be responsive to the needs of students and concerns of parents by making myself available to them.

5. The available funding must be allocated in the best way possible to ensure the students receive the education to prepare them for the future. Hard issues must be addressed and hard decisions must be made of budgetary and educational matters that impact the students and the staff of the system.

6. At a minimum maintain funding and, as a best case, increase funding to the school system to provide the quality of education currently presented to our students. Increase parental involvement and encourage respect for teachers and the learning process. Teachers are our greatest asset. We must ensure they are provided the support and tools required to reach our children.

7. Meet with the financial managers of the school system and the independent auditors to review the status of the current budget and the implementation of the new budget. Pursue a slot on the (School Board) budget and finance subcommittee. My experience in business, financial management and administration would aid the budget making process.

8. Party affiliation: Independent (I believe that the School Board election should be non-partisan, without political party endorsement.)

Total Contributions: $2,769 < Total Expenditures: $2,721

Robert J. Brich

Born: Jan. 7, 1944, in Palmerton, Pa.

Years in city: 24

Education: B.S. in education, East Stroudsburg State College; M.S. Command and Staff, Naval War College; M.B.A. in finance and contracting, Marymount University; dissertation phase of Ph.D., Old Dominion University

Occupation: Executive vice president of Management Systems Applications Inc., Chesapeake; retired Navy fighter pilot; certified teacher

1. Member Republican National Committee; member Trunk and Tusk Club; contributed to and supported number of local and national candidates; Adopt-A-School coordinator; past chairman and board member of Clean the Bay Day organization and Tidewater Center for Technology Access.

2. Yes. Topic of vouchers is an example. Concept of credits and vouchers has positive aspect of potentially creating alternatives to public education. But, change should not be made at the expense of public education. The key word is ``equity'' for all children. Skeptical of any program that would provide less for students.

3. I will not compromise on the issue of having an educational system that will prepare our children for jobs of the future. Education should be relevant. . . link business and community resources so children will be equipped with ``life skills.''

4. Guarantee that children's needs are always first and provide financial integrity and responsibility in my every action on School Board. Mail periodic status reports on accomplishment to constituents and convey message at public meetings, i.e. PTA, civic leagues, church gatherings, etc.

5. Avoid ``overwhelming'' reliance on state and federal sources. Use sound fiscal management to reduce ``redundancies, eliminate overheads and manage administrative costs that take away from priority of ``children and instruction.'' Maintain excellent liaison with City Council in developing school budget.

6. To say Virginia Beach has avoided trends of big-city schools is naive. Initiatives for reduction of class sizes at K-3 level, continued availability of counselors and occupational therapists and proactive involvement of teachers and interested parents are keys to avoiding serious future problems within our schools.

7. Future deficits can be avoided only if there are honest exchanges and true representations of budget status. Highly qualified personnel should be sought to prepare this material, and School Board should have only those with solid credentials to receive it. I will use my training from M.B.A. in finance to ensure this happens.

8. Party affiliation: Republican. Endorsed by the Virginia Beach Education Association

Total Contributions: $2,148 < Total Expenditures: $100

Support includes: $500 in-kind training from Virginia Beach Education association

Joshua F. Edwards Sr.

Born: Declines to identify birthdate

Years in city: 18

Education: B.A., physical education and biology, St. Augustine's College, 1960. M.Ed., counselor education, University of Pittsburgh, 1970. Ph.D., counselor education, administration, University of Pittsburgh, 1973. M.Ed., program administration personnel management, Norfolk State University, 1989.

Occupation: Education professor at Norfolk State University

1. Virginia Beach Crime Prevention Committee, 1979-83. Virginia Beach Community Development, Citizens Advisory Committee on Housing Development, 1979-83. Human Rights Commission, vice chair, 1991-present. Citizens Advisory Council, Del. Robert F. McDonnell, 1994-present. Green Run Little League, manager, Senior Yankees

2. As an elected official I would be in office to represent the people's wishes and that is just what I will do.

3. I would not be willing to compromise on issues that would violate state or federal laws. These are the only issues that I would be unwilling to compromise. We must remember that the citizens of Virginia Beach employ us.

4. To provide greater community input into the school system budgeting process. To initiate closer contacts with parents to break down the barrier to cooperation involving the question of what activities are most appropriate for the students and to interest parents in joining the school family.

5. One excellent source to help compensate for the decline in state and federal money is to involve the business community, which is very interested in the schools. The business companies look to the schools to help prepare solid workers/employees.

6. Continue to use site-based management as a tool for greater input from teachers, administrators, parents and non-parents.

7. Communication and time are the two things that will reassure the public of the school district's integrity.


Total Contributions: $193 < Total Expenditures: $193

Steven M. Emmanuel

Born: July 22, 1959, in Boston, Mass.

Years in city: 4 1/2.

Education: B.A., Boston University; M.A., Brown University; Fulbright Fellow, University of Copenhagen; Ph.D., Brown University

Occupation: Philosophy professor (with a specialization in moral and religious philosophy) at Virginia Wesleyan College

1. The Planning Council at King's Grant Elementary School, youth soccer coach, faculty sponsor of Circle K at Virginia Wesleyan (Kiwanis), ``midnight basketball'' with the Virginia Beach Police Athletic League. I am currently working on a committee to develop summer educational opportunities for children in disadvantaged neighborhoods.

2. The School Board should not be a platform for anyone's personal beliefs. The job of a School Board member is to make decisions that are in the best interest of public education.

3. I am not willing to compromise on the quality of public education.

4. Everything I could say is summarized in one statement: I promise to do the very best job that I can to improve the quality of public education for all our children, to do that job with the utmost integrity and to be accountable to the community I represent.

5. First of all, we should not simply assume that the school budget must shrink in proportion to cuts in state and federal spending. Secondly, more money does not necessarily mean better education. The quality of public education can be improved provided that we are willing to focus our resources on what is essential to the academic mission.

6. The question seems to minimize the seriousness of the problems we have had in Virginia Beach. But those problems must be addressed directly. Among those problems are the following: a lack of effective communication, a lack of trust and, perhaps most important, the lack of a shared vision for the future of public education.

7. Simply by demanding fiscal accountability.


Total Contributions: $225 < Total Expenditures: $212

Ann G. Ewing

Born: March 21, 1946, in Janesville, Wis.

Years in city: 13

Education: B.A., English, Arizona State University; master's equivalency in education, California Lutheran College

Occupation: Teacher and small business owner

1. I have been active with the Neptune Festival, SPCA, PTA, Heart Fund and serve as room mother at Lynnhaven Middle School. I testified in front of the Armed Services Committee to save commissaries in 1975. Assisted with Literacy Passport testing, chaperoned field trips and orchestra mom at Lynnhaven Middle.

2. I'm not 100 percent on school uniforms. If the public wanted this, I would agree. I would represent the voters.

3. Constitutional issues

4. The children will have a safe environment. Lower the class size.

5. Adjust the tax base or have the city allocate the difference. The children should not suffer.

6. Provide more training in problem-solving for teachers and have more parent/adult presence at the schools.

7. Commit to staying within the budget. Public documentation of monies spent. Voting of members should be more public for accountability.


Total Contributions: $0 < Total Expenditures: $620

Vernon H. Fix

Born: July 17, 1930, in Jamestown, Ohio

Years in city: 24

Education: B.S., Ohio State University, 1972

Occupation: Retired lieutenant commander, Navy

1. Community work through the church. I attend Kempsville Presbyterian Church.

2. I would NOT vote against my personal beliefs.

3. I would NOT vote against my personal beliefs.

4. My promise would be to work for a better educational system and financial responsibility. We need more academic courses and less social diversions. We need ``real'' grade promotions.

5. As for the decline in federal and state monies: If you don't have it, you can't spend it. We need to look carefully for areas to cut. Painful as it is we must. I question the advisability of a tax increase. Is it really justified?

6. Virginia Beach has not escaped the problems found in other cities; we just have them in smaller doses. We need more police and police patrols, courts that give harder sentences. Bail should be restricted in some cases. We need to practice personal responsibility at all levels.

7. One step to fiscal responsibility: I would have monthly readout of the budget progress, insisting on spending within budget. At no time would I be more than one month away from balance.

8. Endorsed by Republican caucus and Kids-First.

Total Contributions: $ 455 < Total Expenditures: $ 630

Stuart R. Gordon

Born: April 11, 1937, in Hoboken, N.J.

Years in city: 20

Education: Brooklyn College, 1957; Brooklyn Law School, 1960

Occupation: Lawyer

1. President, Virginia Beach SPCA; chairman, Earth Day; director, Southeastern Virginia Environment (SAVE), Clean Community Commission

2. On issues which are fundamental to my belief system I would not compromise. I would compromise on expenditures provided it does not jeopardize the quality of education.

3. It is difficult to say in advance on what matters I would not compromise. However, I would not compromise on fundamental issues and areas which would jeopardize the quality of education.

4. Restore confidence and trust. To create a comprehensive phased-in program to institute computer technology in the schools. Media coverage as the computer program is installed. Confidence will become apparent and permeate the community as fiscal responsibility and quality education is achieved.

5. I would consolidate school and city finance departments. I would merge where possible non-educational services. Finally I would make our case to the City Council for necessary funding.

6. I would constantly make sure that the bureaucracy is kept in check. I would encourage site-based education and parental and community participation.

7. Institute a monthly review procedure. The budget must be based on conservative estimates of income and realistic expenditures.

8. Endorsed by Virginia Beach Education Association and Citizens Action Coalition

Total Contributions: $ 4,280 < Total Expenditures: $ 8,523

Support includes: $500 in-kind training from Virginia Beach Education Association

Robert C. Mandigo Jr.

Born: June 20, 1952

Years in city: 30

Education: B.S. in business administration (accounting), Old Dominion University, 1976

Occupation: Senior GAO evaluator (auditor), U.S. General Accounting Office

1. Citizen Challenge, autumn 1995; Arrowhead Elementary School, volunteer in education, 1991-present; Larkspur Middle School, Planning Council member, 1994-present; Carolanne Farm Swim Club, president, 1991-1993, and treasurer, 1993-present; Community United Methodist Church, administrative Board, 1990-present

2. My personal beliefs are that Judeo-Christian principles are the basis upon which our nation was conceived and founded, extending to our laws and business ethics. I know the general public does not support including religious beliefs and tenets into our public schools, and I will not support the teaching of religion in our public schools.

3. Education of all our students, emphasizing reading, writing and mathematical problem-solving. Accountability to our citizens for educating our students and for school system administration. School safety. Integration of computer technology at the middle and high school levels. Employee compensation. Increased parental involvement.

4. I will work effectively on the school board team and I will give you my best efforts to avail our children of the best education we can provide.

5. We ought to look to consolidation of functions and technology investment to gain efficiency improvements and related budget savings, and to the City Council for necessary budget support.

6. Better involve our parents and citizens and emphasize building student self-esteem and civic pride through learning achievement and participation in extracurricular activities.

7. Improved financial oversight and reporting, providing school division financial statements monthly (unaudited) and annual (audited) showing comparisons between the budget and actual revenue and expenses, available to the public on the school division's Internet homepage and at the public libraries and central office.


Total Contributions: $ 51 < Total Expenditures: $ 51

John J. Mason

This candidate did not submit answers to our questions

George Melnyk Jr.

Born: March 17, 1968, in San Diego

Years in city: 24

Education: B.A. in economics, University of Notre Dame

Occupation: Project manager with Premier Millwork and Lumber Co.

1. None

2. Yes, tax credits and tuition vouchers if I could be convinced that they would not cost the city money.

3. A quality education, safe teaching environment and personal integrity.

4. I will not make promises. I will, however, commit myself to attaining a challenging curriculum and quality education for all students within the confines of the budget. I will keep citizens informed through weekend forums.

5. I would evaluate the school system's overhead and adjust it to accommodate and maintain essential local services.

6. I would continue to encourage a safe learning environment in which faculty, parents and students will feel at ease in our schools. Also I will be committed to continuing a return to the basic fundamentals of education - reading, writing and arithmetic.

7. I would encourage a monthly newspaper article that outlines and compares in broad categories the status of the proposed budget with respect to the actual budget. 8.Endorsed by Kids

Total Contributions: $860 < Total Expenditures: $ 845

A.F. ``Mike'' Mitchell

Born: March 14, 1948, in Baltimore

Years in city: 18

Education: B.S. in electrical engineering, North Carolina State University; M.B.A., University of Virginia's Darden School of Graduate Business Administration

Occupation: Financial manager

1. Volunteer tutor, treasurer and board member for the Making A Difference Foundation; board member, Hampton Roads Sharks.

2. It is my belief that I am being elected by the public to represent their beliefs. Regardless of my personal views, I will vote in accordance with the desires of the majority of the people I will represent, consistent with my desire to provide equal access to a quality education to all students.

3. I am a firm believer in the Covey theory of management where the best possible outcome is a ``Win-Win'' solution whereby both sides of a discussion or negotiation walk away satisfied that they have achieved the best possible results for their position. I will be a catalyst on the board to reach those winning solutions.

4. I will closely monitor the preparation and execution of every budget to ensure it represents an accurate estimate of revenues to support proposed programs and I will analyze every issue to ensure their resolution provides the school system with the best possible programs and results that available funding will allow.

5. Look for increased efficiencies in the way we accomplish tasks; look to the business community for grants, gifts and volunteers; look for ways to reduce administrative costs. The absolute last place I would consider making any cuts is in the number of teachers or their salaries and benefits.

6. The School Board can work to ensure that adequate school facilities and equally funded programs are accessible to all students regardless of economic condition or ethnic group, as well as recognize and work with differing ethnic groups to ensure their cultural and religious beliefs are not unnecessarily compromised.

7. I will actively communicate to my constituents on a regular basis the status of the budgeted expenditures, the receipt of anticipated revenues, the reasons for any discrepancies and the actions being taken to rectify those discrepancies and ensure that spending does not exceed revenues. 8. Total Contributions: $350 < Total Expenditures: $ 209

Jane E. Nosonchuk

Born: July 5, 1959, in Portsmouth

Years in city: All my life

Education: B.S. and M.S. in nursing, Old Dominion University

Occupation: Registered nurse and pediatric nurse practitioner

1. CPR instructor in community; member, Tidewater Council of Nurse Practitioners; Legislative Chair for Hampton Roads' chapter of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners.

2. I do not consider this responsibility a forum for my personal beliefs. This position should be as citizen advocate as well as protector of the public's trust for the best school system and education possible. If a majority of the citizenry relayed a desire for a religious class in every curriculum, I would feel it necessary to support that.

3. I will never compromise on quality education. Using outdated texts, inappropriate curriculums, high teacher/student rations, etc. contribute to a lower quality of education and cannot be tolerated. I will never compromise on the belief that everyone must give a 200 percent effort to their jobs in order to achieve excellence in education.

4. 1) You will see my face all over the city asking for your input and exchanging ideas with the community and schools. 2) You will be getting a non-partisan voice on the School Board who will promise to represent your opinions and all of our children. I will keep them informed through visits and newsletters to schools and neighborhood civic organizations.

5. I feel that the citizens of Virginia Beach have shown great concern over the proper education of their children, that with cooperation from local news facilities, people will understand the need for more financial input or decreased diversity in programming. I'm sure most parents have had to explain why you cannot write a check without money in the bank.

6. I would like to see the code of conduct changed in its penalty phase. I believe that automatic suspensions and expulsions should be tempered with rehabilitative penalties rather than a waste of educational time out of school. We should still have community schools dealing with families and alternative educational methods whenever possible.

7. I would require full disclosure of all fiscal movement from month to month be provided or available to all board members for perusal 3 to 5 days before meetings in case of questions/clarification needs before the interval reports could be adopted.


Total Contributions: $0 < Total Expenditures: $1,004

James P. Polk

Born: Aug. 25, 1957, in Flint, Mich.

Years in city: 4

Education: B.A. with honors, Michigan State University; M.S., Penn State University; Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, Florida Institute of Technology

Occupation: Licensed clinical psychologist

1. Past chair, Legislative Committee, V.A. Academy of Clinical Psychology; Trantwood PTA; Boy Scouts Donor/Participant; VBSL soccer coach

2. 1. I would not support any cuts to teacher salaries, benefits. 2. No cuts to educational programs.

3. There is always room for compromise but I wouldn't agree to teacher cuts or reduction in direct programs for kids.

4. 1. Fiscal integrity, balanced budget and accountability. 2. Computers in every classroom. I would keep them informed through monthly meetings.

5. 1. Donations from businesses of supplies, computers, grants and training. 2. Work with City Council and taxpayers to redirect other project funds to schools. Increase parent volunteers and teachers' aides. 3. Consolidate school board/system services and finances with city where possible.

6. Continue redesigning anti-drug/violence programs and invite national leaders to educate our staffs on techniques. Make tougher anti-truancy laws with family counseling.

7. Consolidate school system financial services under Virginia Beach city with School Board keeping control. Quarterly reports to the public.


Total Contributions: $5,495 < Total Expenditures: $ 4,667

Michael J. Prokopchak

Born: June 27, 1953, in New York

Years in city: 17

Education: B.S. in biology, State University of New York at Stony Brook; M.S. in oceanography, Old Dominion University

Occupation: Department Chairperson and Teacher, Norfolk Public Schools

1. No political experience or community or volunteer service.

2. Yes, I may have to put my own personal beliefs aside when dealing with certain issues because as an elected official, I will have been chosen by the community and represent them. I will be committed to making the best decisions based on the total picture.

3. I will not compromise on budget cuts that will affect student success and pay increases for teachers.

4. I first promise not to allow the school system to overspend. My second promise is to support policies that will improve student success at all levels. Citizens could be kept informed of progress through a School Board newsletter.

5. The city will have to come up with more money for desired quality education.

6. Big-city problems can exist in small cities, too. There is a need to monitor and suppress these activities in conjunction with the police programs and judicial system.

7. We need to account for the dollars being spent and to show where they are being spent.


Total Contributions: $0 < Total Expenditures: $1,314

Pedro P. Rodriguez

Born: Jan. 15, 1929, in Yauco, Puerto Rico

Years in city: 8

Education: B.S.A. in animal husbandry, University of Puerto Rico; Ph.D. in veterinary medicine, University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Madrid, Spain;

Occupation: Retired Army colonel

1. Editor, DAV Chapter 20 Pacesetter newsletter; member, Tidewater Virginia's Beekeepers Association; Past President of 4-H Clubs; Future Farmers of America; Puerto Rico Veterinary Medical Association; member, Eastern Shore National Association of Federal Veterinarians; member, Spain's College of Veterinarians.

2. At present, I do not know of any issues that may require this type of action. Should the occasion arise, my vote would depend on the issues and circumstances. I would vote against my personal beliefs if the outcome were beneficial to children in particular and not to the community in general.

3. Cutting teaching staff; safety and security; discipline

4. No cuts to teaching staff, classes or programs. Enhance safety and security measures at every school. Would keep them informed through press conferences.

5. I see two solutions: taxation and bonds, perhaps a combination of both. Taxes would provide immediate relief while bonds would provide delayed relief. The advantage with bonds would be that at a three percent inflation rate, 10-year bonds would save the city 30 cents on the dollar.

6. Judging from what I have seen elsewhere, I don't think that the ward system works. My opinion would be: stay away from it. Maintain discipline and safety as a first priority; hire the best teachers; keep the number of students in the classroom low.

7. Obtain and maintain independent audits to ascertain that the administrators are not recurring into the misgivings of the past administrators.


Total Contributions: $0 < Total Expenditures: $86

Neil L. Rose

Born: Aug. 4, 1959, in Washington, D.C.

Years in city: 9

Education: B.S. in finance, University of Virginia, McIntire School of Commerce; J.D., University of Virginia School of Law, 1983; Georgetown University Law Center, 1989

Occupation: Business and tax attorney

1. Chairman, Chamber of Commerce's Leadership Hampton Roads; Keel Committee Leader, United Way; Co-Chairman, Public Television WHRO Auction Sponsors Committee; Officer and director, Congregation Beth El; Director and fund-raising chair, Kiwanis

2. No, I stand behind my beliefs; but, on business issues, I can compromise. For example, if I wanted to buy 1,000 computers and citizens voted to buy 2,000 and pay the difference, then I would give in to the common will.

3. Safety and quality education for our community children.

4. One, I will use common sense, ask questions and seek community input on issues. Two, I will work to provide our children with the best education we can.

5. We must go back to our mission and focus on what we are supposed to be doing and look for more efficient ways to reach our goals. I would like to enlist the aid of our businesses and all citizens, not just the alumni and parents, to come into the schools and help the children learn from their expertise.

6. Continue to let each neighborhood and its citizens have as much input as possible into each school. All schools need to be monitored to be certain that all children are given an equal opportunity to learn and succeed, but our schools should not be antiseptic carbon copies. Each school should reflect part of the overall community.

7. Use my training as a business and tax attorney to be certain we maximize the education out of each dollar by careful budget review as the budget is being prepared and implemented, while keeping the public informed on how their dollars are being spent.


Total Contributions: $12,607 < Total Expenditures: $ 7,969

Frank E. Rough

Born: Jan. 8, 1947, in Toledo, Ohio

Years in city: on and off since 1965

Education: B.A. in business administration, St. Leo College; Master's in public administration, Troy State University; Currently attending Norfolk State University

1. 28 years in the Navy

2. At the risk of assuming to know what the public believes, at this point in time, no.

3. A definition for the word ``things'' must first be established before relevancy can be determined.

4. I promise to serve the citizens of Virginia Beach to the best of my ability by sincerely listening to their concerns, and by doing all that I can to help guide the Virginia Beach Public School system proudly into the 21st century. I will seek some kind of forum to keep our citizens informed.

5. As to the suggestion that state and federal monies are in decline for the maintaining of essential services, this is an area I honestly will first have to look at in greater depth before making any outright judgment calls.

6. Our schools need to be adequately funded, properly operated, and reasonably expanded. To that end, I will dedicate my efforts.

7. I will make every effort to keep the citizens of Virginia Beach well informed on matters of the school system's fiscal well being


Total Contributions: $0 < Total Expenditures: $ 0

Sonja Watts

Born: Dec. 27, 1954, in Portsmouth

Years in city: 20

Education: B.A. in English, Norfolk State University; M.A. in education administration, George Washington University

Occupation: English teacher

1. 1994 Virginia Beach School Board candidate (Kempsville Borough); Restorer of Hope International; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.; motivational speaker; setting up tutorial programs; providing mentoring with the homeless and battered women and children; working with drop outs

2. No issues at this point in time

3. Selling condoms in schools

4. To uphold the mission statement of the school system and to maintain fiscal responsibility, accountability and integrity of our school system.

5. I would do all I can to propose the use of grants from foundations with guidelines we can live by and I would seek funds from businesses and corporations.

6. There should always be a review of anything that is in place. I would want to make sure that those measures that have been instituted to solve problems and to resolve conflicts will remain in place as long as they continue to be effective for the good and the best results. New steps taken should be tested in the same way.

7. First, obtain a seat on the school board to prove to the public that they have chosen a candidate who is willing to spend the endless hours necessary to restore trust and complete the healing process. I would build positive and trusting relationships with each board member in order that the school board as a whole is ``rebuilt.''

8. Party affiliation: Republican

Total Contributions: $335 < Total Expenditures: $ 339

Rosemary Wilson

Born: Sept. 2, 1950, in Fayetteville, N.C.

Years in city: 37

Education: Bayside High School; East Carolina University, Old Dominion University, B.S. in elementary education

Occupation: former teacher

1. Virginia Beach Middle School Planning Council; Kempsville High School Debate team treasurer; volunteer reader to kindergarten students; Farm Fresh Consumer Panel; 10 years service, Virginia Beach Middle School Planning Council.

2. A public official is a representative of the people. However, a public official is elected based on expressed personal beliefs as well as presumed honesty and integrity. On any issue, I will listen to my constituents and make sure my opinions were not swayed by any one group.

3. Things that are going to affect the children, the curriculum, special education, arts, sports

4. Developing a vision for our school system is a goal of mine. It needs to be developed with the school board, superintendent, school personnel, parents, students and community representatives. I will work with the newspaper to give updates and be available to anyone by telephone or in person.

5. There is a decline in federal money but state funding for next year's budget will increase $200 per child. We need to work with legislators to be advocates for education. We can continue to look for grant money in the private sector to compensate for the loss of federal and state money.

6. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. We need the preventive measures that our Safe Schools Task Force recommended. The comprehensive study needs to be implemented.

7. The board has taken some steps, such as having the internal auditor report to the board. I would ask for bi-weekly reports that compare actual revenue and expenses with those budgeted. These will have detailed explanations for significant variance.


Total Contributions: $18,730 < Total Expenditures: $ 14,548

Support includes: Developers, Democratic office holders, and former superindent E.E. Brickell. BLACKWATER BOROUGH CANDIDATE

Delceno C. Miles

Born: Dec. 27, 1960, in Princess Anne County

Years in City: 35

Education: Cox High School (honor grad); Stanford University

Occupation: President and CEO of The Miles Agency, marketing and public relations firm

1. Ran for City Council 1988, 1990, 1992; appointed by Gov. George Allen to Industrial Development Services Advisory Board and Board of Professional and Occupational Regulation; most recently served as a speaker at Strawbridge Elementary School, a presenter at the Larkspur Middle School career fair; dinner committee volunteer for Urban League's Whitney Young Awards

2. I believe the public wants what is in the best interest of children and cost-effective management of their tax dollars. I do not disagree with them on those core issues.

3. A competitive, quality curriculum that prepares our graduates for meaningful experiences vocationally, educationally and economically.

4. One, I will do my best. Two, I will listen.

5. I will work closely with staff and the superintendent to identify other sources of funding, i.e. grants and public-private partnerships.

6. The system is not broken. We just need to follow the plan and work with the system. Let's continue to attract the best talent and provide the best tools and a challenging curriculum to produce the best graduates. In turn, we can attract more business with such a well-educated work force.

7. Check and re-check the numbers!

8. Endorsed by Filipino-American Community Action Group of Hampton RoadS

Total Contributions: $ 0 < Total Expenditures: $ 0 LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH CANDIDATES< Miguel J. Arsuaga

Born: July 3, 1944, in New Orleans

Years in city: 11

Education: B.S. in physics, Tulane University

Occupation: Retired Navy commander

1. Collected for Heart and Lung Association

2. No

3. Downsizing administrative divisions - putting teaching assistants in classrooms

4. Accountability, accountability from the administrators to the parents, with me being accountable to them by my actions at all times through my service.

5. Cut administrators. Look for fat in budget. Raise taxes only as a last resort.

6. Work hard to get rid of violent kids. Provide maximum backing to teachers when they try to discipline students.

7. I think it has been done, having the auditor report directly to the School Board rather than via the superintendent.

8. Party affiliation: Republican

Total Contributions: $0 < Total Expenditures: $ 315

Nancy Dahlman Guy

Born: Nov. 29, 1957, in Coronado, Calif.

Years in city: 21

Education: Cox High School, College of William and Mary (Phi Beta Kappa) and University of Virginia School of Law

Occupation: Former attorney, currently a full-time mother

1. Room mother at John B. Dey Elementary School; Volunteer in Education, library aide; PTA board member and legislation chairman; Girl Scouts Troop Leader; Elder at Bayside Presbyterian Church, Bible school teacher; block captain Broad Bay Point Greens Civic League

2. An open mind is one of the single most important attributes in a local public official. While I would never compromise my integrity, there are issues on which I would vote against my personal beliefs if I was convinced that the majority of the city's residents felt differently.

3. I am not willing to compromise on my mission to provide quality education to every public school student in Virginia Beach. I am not willing to compromise on the need to return the focus of the board to education and the focus in the classroom to learning.

4. I promise to be a responsible steward of public money, by providing strict fiscal oversight. I promise to be hard working, open minded, and prepared to perform all the duties of an effective School Board member. I have the ability and the 30 hours a week to do the job right and I promise that I will.

5. First, we have to exert all possible effort to prevent such declines. At present the state funding seems fairly secure. If we lose federal impact aid we will have to either make up the funding locally or institute cuts. In any budget cutting process I would start with the items furthest from instruction.

6. We must continue to keep our focus in the classroom on instruction, by providing a safe and disciplined learning environment. We must enforce discipline consistently and continue to have a ``zero tolerance'' policy on guns and drugs. We also need to concentrate on finding ways to meaningfully involve parents in their children's education.

7. One step will not be sufficient to reassure the public about the school district's fiscal integrity. I will make certain that the public is informed about the many reorganizational steps that have been taken, are being taken, and will be taken to insure that the crisis of the past two years does not recur.

8. Endorsements: Virginia Beach Education Association

Filipino-American Community Action Group of Hampton Roads

Total Contributions: $4,313 < Total Expenditures: $ 7,106

Ben A. Krause

Born: Oct. 25, 1942, in La Grange, Texas

Years in city: 18

Education: graduate of University of Texas; M.B.A. from Golden Gate University

Occupation: Investment executive

1. Feed the homeless participant, Sunday School teacher, Council of Civic Organizations member, Sea Breeze Farm Civic League, Little Neck Association of Civic Leagues (vice-president)

2. Yes, school uniforms

3. Ensuring that our students get the best education that we can provide

4. I will be a good steward of taxpayers' hard earned taxes and will ensure the funds are used only for essential needs. I will develop performance measurements for each school and the system as a whole and make the information available to the public. To keep the citizens informed, I will hold town hall meetings, have citizens committees and publish a quarterly report.

5. First, make sure that we are making the most efficient and effective use of the funds available. Lobby at the state and federal level for a greater return on the already high taxes we pay now. Search the nation via the Internet and other methods for ideas others have implemented throughout the world and implement the good, cost effective ideas. Get greater business participation and volunteer involvement, especially seniors.

6. We need to ensure that we maintain discipline in the schools, that parents are actively involved in the schools and feel a sense of ownership, that School Board members and central administration visit the schools and that principals and teachers are empowered with the tools and flexibility to perform their tasks.

7. Thoroughly analyze the budget and ensure that all income projections are accurate and ensure that all expenditures are necessary and appropriate to providing the best possible education for our students.

8. Party affiliation: Republican

Endorsements: Republic Caucus and Citizens Action Committee

Total Contributions: $7,285 < Total Expenditures: $ 13,626

J. Gail Cayce Schwartzer

Born: April 8, 1946, in Norfolk

Years in city: 50 years

Education: Princess Anne High School; B.S. in psychology, Ohio State University

Occupation: mother, wife, school volunteer

1. I have no political experience, except voting regularly. Like most citizens of Virginia Beach I'm tired of politics and would like to focus on the issue - education of our children - good public education. I most recently volunteered at my child's school and on PTA board.

2. I will be ``voting'' not for my personal beliefs or the public's but for the children's. I will vote, according to the data and facts, and for the good of the children as a whole. If there aren't enough facts to make an informed decision, I'll demand we get them before a decision is made.

3. Making decisions without all the data

4. I'm not running on promises. The only one I can make is to get the facts and figures necessary for a long-term comparison in vital areas and then proceed from there with what will be best for our children. When I have the graphs of growth, budget, etc. they would be shared with the public, both in libraries as well as through school forums.

5. I can't compensate for it. The city can with the desire of the citizens. The schools' budget is made up of state, federal and local funds. The majority is local. This is where the data base I've spoken about is necessary. With it you can show the city where the schools have been and the trends in which they are headed. Combining school and city budgets will help.

6. Parental and community involvement are the two crucial words here. As long as parents are involved, positively, the schools benefit. When you can get volunteer programs involving more than the parents, you're beginning to involve the entire community. When business becomes involved with the system, schools will only benefit more.

7. There's not one step I can take to reassure the public about the schools' fiscal integrity. I think combining expenses with the city should begin to reassure some. Internal checks and balances need to be established as the norm. Give Dr. Jenney a chance to do this. If the public wants regular audits, perhaps it would be necessary for a time.


Total Contributions: $0 < Total Expenditures: $0 PRINCESS ANNE BOROUGH CANDIDATES

Archie W. DeBaun Jr.

Born: March 29, 1963, in Norfolk

Years in city: 15

Education: B.S. in business administration (accounting), Old Dominion University

Occupation: accountant

1. Former Norfolk Jaycee; civic league treasurer; has volunteered to teach an accounting class for an organization that helps people learn about investing.

2. I believe that it is possible. I try to be open-minded and as a point try to understand an opposing view. At this time I cannot give a specific example.

3. Teachers pay

4. That the School Board budget will not run into another deficit crisis and I will make sure that the children of Virginia Beach receive the best possible education.

5. Initially, I would review programs that could be run more efficiently to cut cost. Secondly, improve communications with the General Assembly and city to let them know our needs for the School Board.

6. Make sure that students understand that there are rules of conduct and that appropriate measures are employed to enforce them.

7. I will personally make sure that the system conducts audits of accounts at regular intervals and question any variances that appear abnormal.

8. Endorsed by Kids First<

Total Contributions: $335 < Total Expenditures: $ 1,181

H.L. ``Les'' Powell

Born: Nov. 29, 1954, in Halifax County

Years in city: 18

Education: graduate of the Virginia State Police Academy

Occupation: Virginia State Trooper

1. Quasar board member of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Challenger program of the Virginia Little League, Make-A-Wish Foundation volunteer, Volunteer assistant football coach Princess Anne Middle School, Kellam High School Booster Club Co-Chairman and volunteer assistant in student activities

2. At this time, I cannot imagine any personal beliefs I have would be an issue that would interfere with my representation of the community as a member of the school board.

3. I would never compromise the safety of the children in our schools. Without a safe environment, learning cannot take place.

4. Two promises I make to the citizens I represent are: to be fair, honest, and to keep the children's interests as first priority; to listen to the concerns of all people in our community and to the groups who represent them.

5. The declines in state and federal money must be considered when developing a school system budget. Alternate sources of funding must be explored to determine if money is available from areas other than the traditional government sources. These sources may be the business sector or additional money from lottery.

6. Virginia Beach schools have avoided many problems normally associated with big-city school districts through the hard work and dedication of system employees who have developed the guidelines that are used in the schools. Programs need to be established that will educate the community and employees to prevent some of the big-city problems from occurring in our schools.

7. The recent fiscal problems experienced by the school system must not be repeated. To prevent this the school board must establish procedures to monitor spending practices. The school board is responsible for insuring that the laws of effective fiscal management are applied to all operations of the school system.

8. Endorsements: Virginia Beach Education Association and Filipino - American Community Action Group of Hampton Roads<

Total Contributions: $ 2,525 < Total Expenditures: $ 2,105

Support includes: $500 in-kind training from Virginia Beach Education association VIRGINIA BEACH BOROUGH CANDIDATE (Unopposed)

Arthur Thomas Tate

Born: Sept. 30, 1966, in Richmond

Years in city: 4 in Virginia Beach, almost 30 in Tidewater

Education: B.S. in electrical engineering, Old Dominion University

Occupation: Environmental engineer with Navy Public Works Center

1. Active with Virginia Beach United Methodist Church

2. I would have to look at each issue on an individual basis, but one example would be school uniforms

3. I would not support any issues that would reduce the standards of learning or quality in the city. I do not support giving the school board any taxing authority.

4. I will always keep the students first and work to fix the budget problems. I will periodically write the local paper to keep the community informed.

5. I will support any cuts in areas that are not beneficial or will not compromise the students' education, such as elimination of some unessential administrative positions. I would support cutting back on some of the extras the new schools are being built with. I do not believe taxes need to be raised. We need to use the money we have wisely.

6. I think that the best way to prevent big-city problems such as gang fights is to stop them when they are small. Give teachers and principals the support needed to stop any type of group altercations. Have open communications between schools about student transfers.

7. I will make sure that the school system does not end any year in a deficit situation.


Total Contributions: $83 < Total Expenditures: $ 83 ILLUSTRATION: [Photos of all the candidates]