The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, May 5, 1996                    TAG: 9605030024
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   33 lines


Curbside Recycling Gone? Drop off centers back!!!! No more recycling!!! Isn't that what the city of Virginia Beach is saying? If the City Council really expects the citizens of the Beach to collect recyclables, and then drive them to a smelly, overflowing, unmanned center, the City Council needs to think again.

People will be losing jobs, companies will be losing money and tipping fees will still be high. Isn't that what this whole thing is about. It really isn't about a dollar for recylcling each month. It is about Virginia Beach not taking their refuse to SPSA transfer stations as well as some surrounding city is, SPSA losing revenues and having to increase tipping fees. Virginia Beach, get off your high horse and on the enviromental wagon you fell off of two years ago.

You don't give a child an ice cream cone and half way through the first lick, take the cone away without any reason other than ``it will be cheaper if you don't eat this right now.'' Virginia Beach should seriously rethink their vote. Special note as a voter: See you at the polls City Council - you, too, mayor.


Virginia Beach, April 25, 1996 by CNB