The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, May 12, 1996                   TAG: 9605100022
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   46 lines


Virginia Beach public schools are a part of the government of the city of Virginia Beach. Discussion before council might suggest that Virginia Beach schools is an independent government body. Council ultimately controls all school activities via its review and funding of the school budget. The buck starts and stops with council.

The city manager's reported statement before council that taxes must increase because of School Board budget problems seems to fly in the face of the city government budget-review-and-funding process. The city manager and council provide the ultimate checks and balance for the school-system operation.

Spending money which is not in a budget is irresponsible. Underfunding a program budget is equally irresponsible. The past and present school-system shortfall did not result from fraud, mismanagement of an education program or frivolous education-program spending. Shortfalls resulted from trying to provide an excellent education program with inadequate funds.

Virginia Beach's greatest resource is an excellent school system. Virginia Beach public schools provide and nurture this resource at one of the lowest per-pupil costs in the commonwealth. To say that a 3.2-cent tax increase is the direct result of the recent budget shortfall while suggesting that no increase in funding is required for other city operations appears to be politically motivated. The School Board does not have the opportunity to generate additional revenues without specific public awareness, as City Hall has through increased property-tax assessments.

We don't have oil, gold or other precious natural resources. We don't even have water. What we do have is an excellent educational system. With continued improvement, we will be one of if not the most desirable communities on the East Coast.

We must not mistakenly believe that any business or military activity will come to or remain in the city if we provide a second-rate education for their children. The city manager and council must stop pointing fingers and adequately fund our public-school system.


Virginia Beach, April 4, 1996 by CNB