The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, May 23, 1996                TAG: 9605230005
SECTION: FRONT                   PAGE: A18  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                            LENGTH:   34 lines


Like so many, I was shocked, stunned and demoralized by the untimely death of Adm. Mike Boorda, truly one of the great military leaders since World War II.

I am deeply saddened that this giant of a man will no longer be available to provide his wisdom and leadership to the Navy.

What really saddens me is the reason for this tragedy: the news media and the American people in general.

I cannot believe that minor allegations regarding the validity of the ``combat V'' decorations formerly worn by the admiral are even worthy of a memo or a scribbled note.

To think that the National Security News Service, ABC News and Newsweek would think these insignificant allegations are of interest to the public is ludicrous. But apparently, I am wrong. Relentless news-media attacks on public figures just to sell newspapers know no bounds.

But in defense of the media, they do what they do only because the American people seem to thrive on it.

The world is full of stories, good and bad, that really need to be placed before the public. Why, then, are we so occupied with trivia?

Journalistic integrity is dead, brought on by the moral decay of the people. Historians indicate that America is declining at a rate far greater than did the Roman Empire.

The loss of Admiral Boorda has accelerated that decline. The news media have hounded another great American to his death. Wake up America.


Chesapeake, May 18, 1996 by CNB