The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, May 24, 1996                  TAG: 9605230202
TYPE: Letter 
                                            LENGTH:   81 lines


Gratified with vote

The Citizens for Accountable Government of Virginia Beach wish to express our gratification with the results of the May 7 referendum vote. The overwhelmingly affirmative vote, which rejected the proposed ward system and retained our right to vote on all 11 City Council and School Board seats, has proven that voters ultimately realized the gravity of this issue and the insidious threat to maintaining accountability of all elected officials to all voters. In this respect, the voters of Virginia Beach should be commended for their wisdom and understanding and also their willingness to brave the cold, wet weather and cast their votes.

We particularly wish to thank the poll workers, the campaign workers and everyone who helped pass the word about this important issue. The citizens of Virginia Beach can be pleased with the results of this vote. It is a victory for all residents of Virginia Beach because it preserves the type of urban electoral system which provides the optimum measure of democracy, accountability and responsiveness. And it is definitely the system best suited for our city.

Citizens for Accountable Government

Judith K. Connors, president

Deane Williams

Delceno Miles

James F. Willenbrink

Garland L. Isdell

Marjorie Smallie

R. Edward Bourdon Jr.

May 9 `Pump Boys' a fun show

I have received nothing for singing the praises of the Founders Inn Dinner Theater, except the most fun night of this theatrical season. Their production of ``Pump Boys and Dinettes'' was filled with great upbeat songs (mostly country), clever skits, homespun stories and dancing. The audience quickly became caught up in this wonderful and sometimes wacky humor, which was followed by continuous laughter and applause.

Producer Gary Spell and music director Kathi Caplan should be commended for a fresh, wholesome and healthy approach to this brand of family entertainment. The eight stage performers seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves, even as much as the audience, which of course, is a mark of true professionalism. It was nice to enjoy a full evening of entertainment and leave the theater just plain feeling good.

Bill Sexton It's time to remove signs

Why oh why is it after any kind of election, that after it is over the signs are still up all over Virginia Beach? I think that the candidates should be responsible to see that they are taken up. I call this littering.

Doris White

May 14 Look at raises and pensions

When did it become a fact that all government employees are entitled to a yearly raise in pay?

When will we start looking at the cost of pensions of public employees?

John Y. Baugh

April 27 Slipping through the cracks

I believe that most of the Virginia Beach voters who voted to return Don Bennis to the Virginia Beach School Board were not aware that he had voted to reinstate budget director Mordecai Smith to his nearly $70,000 per year job.

This vote (along with six others) aroused the voting citizens of Virginia Beach to do something about changing the members of the School Board.

Somehow Mr. Bennis slipped through the cracks.

Now, the Beacon reports that Mr. Bennis could be considered for the position of chairman of the School Board. Let us hope that this consideration does not come to reality.

For his major lapse in judgment in the Mordecai Smith reinstatement, I don't believe that Mr. Bennis should receive that honor and responsibility.

Louis R. Soscia

May 18

Soscia ran unsuccessfully for the School Board earlier this month. by CNB