The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Saturday, June 1, 1996                TAG: 9606010016
SECTION: FRONT                   PAGE: A10  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                            LENGTH:   32 lines


Your recent article on Hampden-Sydney College as it ponders the future gave a very objective and timely account of the challenges which face the 10th-oldest college in the country. Long-range planning by the board and staff constantly reviews the coed question, and we are certain that a successful resolution of the issue will be met.

The college is fortunate to have as its president Samuel Venable Wilson (lieutenant general, retired), a descendent of one of the founders and the sixth most-decorated general in the U.S. Army. Your article commented on the fact that the college ``has produced a disproportionate number of area leaders,'' but this is really no accident. Leadership training has been one of the significant strengths of a Hampden-Sydney education, and President Wilson has been able to enlarge its scope to receive much national attention.

Recently the family and friends of James C. Wheat Jr., former CEO of Wheat First Butcher Singer, have made plans to establish a $1 million endowment to fund a Chair of Leadership Studies, which will bring outstanding Virginia and national leaders to the campus.

Also it was good to see that you took time to interview for your article some of the outstanding local students who are attending the college.

With its emphasis on the honor system, family values and academic achievement, Hampden-Sydney will continue to play a key role in Virginia's educational future.


Norfolk, May 6, 1996 by CNB