The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, June 2, 1996                  TAG: 9605310195
TYPE: Close Up 
SOURCE: Janie Bryant 
                                            LENGTH:   80 lines


WHEN KERRI LEGGETT, 12, penned an essay on what patriotism means, she hoped to gain some extra points in her English class.

She got those points.

She also had won a total of $500 in U.S. savings bonds by the time her essay earned a second-place award in the national level of a contest sponsored by the Fleet Reserve Association.

``I was pretty happy when I found out about a week or so ago,'' she said.

So was retired Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Charles Frisby Sr. Frisby headed up the essay contest for Portsmouth's Branch 37 of the association.

``I felt great about it,'' Frisby said. ``We are trying to get the students to learn more about our country and our heroes.''

Frisby said the essay contest is held each year and is open to students, seventh through 12th grades.

Kerri and several other students were honored during a joint awards ceremony sponsored by Frisby's branch along with Branch 257, also in Portsmouth.

First-place winners at each grade level received a $100 savings bond, he said.

Kerri was awarded additional savings bonds when her essay went on to win first place for the East Coast Region in her grade level and then took second place on the national level.

``She is a right sharp little lady,'' Frisby said.

Kerri, a student at Portsmouth Catholic School who has made all A's so far this year, said she thought about what she wanted to write on the way to North Carolina for a family reunion.

She wrote most of the essay in the car.

Kerri said she never had entered an essay contest before but now says this won't be her last.

Name: Kerri Elizabeth Leggett.

Nickname: Carebear.

Hometown: Portsmouth.

Birthdate: June 25, 1983.

School and grade: Portsmouth Catholic School, seventh grade.

Parents' names: Theresa and Gary Leggett.

Brothers/sisters: None.

Pets: A rabbit named Buster Othello Blackie; a dog named Scarlett Bell O'Freckles; and six fish, Scarlett, Rhett, Lord and Lady Macbeth, and Hamlet and Ophelia.

Favorite subject: Science.

Favorite food: Chili cheese burrito, but I also like cheeseburgers and grilled tuna.

Favorite restaurant: Taco Bell, but I also like Fuddruckers and Freemason Abbey.

Hobbies: Reading, talking on the phone, and collecting and taking photos.

Favorite movies: ``Seven,'' ``Gone With the Wind'' and ``Interview With the Vampire.''

Favorite song or musical group: ``Down Low'' by R. Kelly.

Favorite sport: Cheerleading.

Favorite magazine: YM.

Last book read for fun: ``Jane Eyre.''

Favorite TV shows: ``Sailor Moon,'' ``The Simpsons,'' ``Marsha'' and ``Singled Out.''

Last smart thing you did: Got all A's on my report card.

Last dumb thing you did: Not study enough for a test.

Pet peeve: When people always try and put the blame on somebody else. I say don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

Who are your heroes: My grandpa, Jim; my granddaddy, Sylvester; my grandma, JoAnn; and my grandma, Verna Mae.

Your worst habit: Biting my nails.

Last vacation: Washington, D.C., on a Girl Scout trip.

Favorite way to spend a day: Hanging out with my friends and boyfriend. I especially like hanging at the movies.

If you had 15 minutes on national television, what would you discuss? I would discuss the poor shape our country is in - the way we are in debt and want to spend more.

When I get older, I want to be: A lawyer so that I can stand up for the poor people and people that deserve justice. ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by MARK MITCHELL