The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, June 2, 1996                  TAG: 9605310197
TYPE: Letter 
                                            LENGTH:   50 lines


Have you visited the library to review the proposed 1996-97 operating budget, or are you satisfied with the way your tax dollars are being used?

This document grants citizens the opportunity to see the farce and misleading information that still exists in the budget process. Reviewing the information, one is led to believe that there have been no salary increases in the past two years and that there are no proposed salary increases in this budget.

The previous administration wanted to remove the department's line item salary information for each position from the budget. Citizens appeared before City Council in opposition, and Council agreed and informed the citizens that line item salaries for each opposition would remain part of the budget.

The last budget provided by the past administration did not provide this information because of ``lack of time.'' Council was again approached on this subject and again assured the citizens it would be corrected.

Under our present administration, not a single budget has been presented with the line item information for each department as promised. Council members who have been questioned on this have given the same old line but no results. The present administration on occasion has violated the Code of Virginia by misappropriating city funds, as confirmed by the Commonwealth's attorney and city attorney. What was Council's actions? Six members patted him on the back and presented him with a 3 percent salary increase. Council member Richard Harris was the only one who voted against it.

The mayor issued a letter stating that the city would pay the cost of the trip for Council members who wished to visit Suffolk's sister city in Italy. The city manager then stated, without informing and getting prior approval of the mayor, that selected members of his staff would enjoy this same luxury of a taxpayer-paid vacation.

These actions by the manager occurred only because of a weak and ineffective City Council, which has abandoned its responsibilities.

The manager could have been so audacious without the tacit approval of Council by its silence. It is time Council showed a little backbone and replaced the manager and, in his place, employed one from the business world. Many highly qualified managers from the real world are available, and it behooves Council to act before our city self-destructs because of poor management. The policy of rewarding a city employee who violates the laws of our city and state is repugnant.

The time has arrived for our city to change from its present form of government to a full-time, paid, elected mayor.

Talmadge C. Jones

Harbor Road

Suffolk by CNB