The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, June 2, 1996                  TAG: 9605310212
                                            LENGTH:   62 lines


If today were Nov. 7 and 18-year-old Lauren G. Stone were the only voter in the 50 states, Bill Clinton would probably stay in the White House for another four years.

Though there are things about the president that she doesn't like, Sone thinks he's a better choice than the alternatives.

Stone, the politically minded daughter of John T. and Mayrant D. Stone, is a senior at Western Branch High School. She was recently awarded the Nora Davenport Scholarship by the Chesapeake Democratic Women for her involvement in leadership activities and politics.

In the past year, Stone has participated in a weeklong mock-government camp, attended a World Affairs Conference sponsored by the Churchland Rotary Club, acted as treasurer for the Willett community service club at her high school and belonged to the American Field Service Club, where she regularly met with foreign exchange students attending Chesapeake schools. She is also a member of the National G1cpsch02 Stone

Honor Society and the Math & Science Club.

Stone even had a taste of campaign fever when she volunteered for William S. Moore Jr., D-Portsmouth, during the last election, though, she said, ``He wasn't even in my district.''

She credits her father's interest in politics with sparking her own. John Stone, a former journalist who is now the senior vice president at Maryview Hospital, was a researcher for CBS news during the 1968 presidential elections.

``We get Time magazine, and Lauren reads it before I do,'' he said. ``She's particularly interested in government and she likes to debate. She's not afraid to engage anybody.''

``We get around the dinner table and discuss things,'' Lauren Stone said. ``My dad will add his two cents in, and most of the time I agree with him. But it is fun to disagree and watch him get all riled up.

``Since I have so much respect for him, it makes me feel good when I can say something with factual evidence in front of him.''

Here's how she stands on the issues:

Gun control: ``Gun control is really big with me. I think it's necessary to have gun laws. A seven-day waiting period? It's absurd not to have one. If you need a gun that bad, we have people to protect us. Call the police.''

The economy: ``I agree with conservatives on most economic issues. I just got a job, and I tend to like to keep my money. I can't imagine giving away all my money to taxes. Some people don't even care (about working). I don't want to pay for them to live.''

Whitewater: In the wake of guilty verdicts against Jim Guy Tucker and James and Susan McDougal on various fraud and conspiracy charges, Stone believes Senate Whitewater Committee Chairman Sen. Alfonse D'Amato, R-N.Y., will now gun for Clinton. ``D'Amato? Look at all the tax dollars he's wasting. Of course he is (going after the Clintons). He hates them.''

Education: ``Education needs work, but it isn't completely broken because you still have good students coming out of schools.''

Winning scholarships: ``Any time people give you money, that's a good thing. . . I was glad to win this scholarship because it's from the group I fit with the most.''

Stone will put the $500 scholarship toward her tuition at Virginia Tech this fall, where she said she plans to pursue a degree in political science. ILLUSTRATION: Stone by CNB