The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, June 7, 1996                  TAG: 9606050119
                                            LENGTH:   81 lines


The Chesapeake Baccalaureate Ministry Support Group is keeping tradition alive.

This Sunday, graduating seniors at all five of Chesapeake's public high schools will attend baccalaureate services.

Years ago, the baccalaureate service was as much a part of graduating from high school as wearing a cap and gown. But the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that government-sponsored religious activities were unconstitutional.

A committee of volunteer citizens headed by president Rosalie W. Barnett, came to the rescue, formed the Chesapeake Baccalaureate Ministry Support Group in 1993.

``One of our major focuses is to maintain school traditions,'' Barnett said. ``And it's the second opportunity for these kids to get together and wear their caps and gowns. At past services, I watched the kids and saw they were bonding and nurturing their school friendships. It will be one of the last times they get together as a whole and then they'll go their separate ways.''

She also said these ceremonies will afford each graduating senior the opportunity to reflect on their lives and what's ahead. It will be a time to let these students known they are not alone, that God will help and guide them.

The group depends on funding from citizens, area businesses and Chesapeake churches. Funds are needed to pay for auditorium rent, printing invitations and other expenses.

``Everything we do is privately funded and sponsored,'' Barnett said.

The upcoming Sunday services are in no way sponsored or organized by the school board, school administration or any school personnel. All the effort comes from churches, student volunteers and private individuals.

The group's treasurer is Tom Speight, youth minister at Great Bridge Baptist Church.

Jim Bryant of Gideon's International, which provides free Bibles to seniors who attend; Shirley Forbes, wife of Del. J. Randy Forbes; and City Councilman Peter P. Duda Jr. support the effort.

Information about each school's service and the names of the students heading each committee are as follows:

Oscar F. Smith High School, headed by Jason E. Young, will feature Rufus Lewis as its speaker. The ceremony will include songs by the Women's Quartet and soloist Sean Day, an invocation, the singing of hymns and a senior challenge, which will exhort all seniors to set life goals.

Great Bridge High School, headed by Melanie L. Old, will feature Dr. Thomas Dennis, pastor of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, as its speaker. The ceremony will include a memorial to James Lewek, a Great Bridge resident and one of the U.S. citizens who died in the Bosnian plane crash that took the life of Commerce Secretary Ron Brown. The ceremony also will include memorials to three high school students who recently passed away along with songs from the Meister Singers and Isaac Danker, retired cantor from Temple Israel in Norfolk.

Western Branch High School, headed by Charles ``Chad'' Brady IV, will feature Dr. George Sweet, pastor of Atlantic Shores Baptist Church, as its speaker. The ceremony also will honor the school's award-winning choral director, Dr. Dennis Price, who will retire after this year, along with other retiring teachers and administrators. Music will be provided by the choral department's varsity singers, marking Price's final chorale duties for the school.

Deep Creek High School, headed by Trimaine M. Brinkley, will feature the Rev. Ken Brown, pastor of Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church, as its speaker. The ceremony also will include Mt. Lebanon's youth choir and a performance by the school's chamber orchestra. The school's ROTC will present the colors.

Indian River High School, headed by Jesse B. West and Karen K. Kimber, will feature businessman Russell Damas as its speaker. The ceremony will include an inspirational presentation by the school's drama team and a memorial to Roben Moss, a former student who headed last year's Indian River baccalaureate committee and who died last year in an automobile accident. MEMO: Donations to help finance baccalaureate services in Chesapeake can

be sent to the Chesapeake Baccalaureate Ministry Support Group, P.O. Box

16234, Chesapeake, Va. 23328-6234. Each donation should be designated to

a particular school. More information is available by calling Rosalie

Barnett at 482-9182. ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by STEVE EARLEY

Baccalaureate service organizers are, standing, from left: Jason

Young, Chad Brady, Jesse West and Karen Kimber; seated: Trimaine

Brinkley and Melanie Old. by CNB