The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, June 7, 1996                  TAG: 9606050136
COLUMN: The Road Warrior 
SOURCE: The Road Warrior 
                                            LENGTH:  107 lines


Yet another rule is waiting for resort area visitors. More specifically, moped renters and riders.

On April 23, the City Council adopted a resolution to amend Section 21-259 of the City Code in relation to the anti-cruising law down at the Oceanfront.

In layman's terms, they've added mopeds to the list of motor vehicles that must adhere to the anti-cruising law.

The law says that between 2 p.m. and 4 a.m. a ``custodian'' (defined in the code book as any person who is the owner of a motor vehicle or moped, or has custody thereof, and who is riding therein or thereon at the time of operation) cannot pass the same point twice within a three-hour period.

The cruising boundary is on Atlantic Avenue from Rudee Inlet to 31st Street from April 15 to Sept. 30.

Apparently, mopeds down at the resort have been causing as many problems as cruising cars were when the law was first enacted a few of years ago.

If you break this law, it can cost as much as $200, not including court costs.


The following people called Road's INFOLINE number with their complaints.

Lisa, no address given. I just want to know why they closed the road, TEAKWOOD DRIVE, behind the shopping center on ROSEMONT ROAD?

It was a nice thoroughfare, but now we have to go all the way around SOUTH PLAZA TRAIL. Thank you.

RW: Road's gotta admit, Lisa, that this irked me, too. It was Road's favorite shortcut home and now - poof - it's gone. It was pretty apparent that the work was done by the shopping center owners. They're trying to lease that building and Road guesses that they figured stopping the traffic from cutting through the shopping center would be a plus. And, they do have a right to do that. They've installed those concrete posts on their land and not city property. Even though Teakwood is a residential street, private property owners can do what they want with their land, including cutting off an access point for the neighborhood.

Now, if they were going to add a cut through or open up a lane, then they'd have to get city permission.

Bummer, ain't it?

R.B., Kempsville. You say the Virginia Department of Transportation is going to study PRINCESS ANNE at WITCHDUCK. Man, they've had five or six professional studies on this that the city has paid thousands and thousands of dollars for.

How many more studies do we need on Princess Anne and Witchduck? You have a nice day, sir. Thank you.

RW: Hey, isn't that the truth! It doesn't take a professional to figure out that the intersection has been way over capacity for years. And actually, from what Road has heard, the study has been put off again so we're stuck with no relief in sight.

What really needs to be done is for someone, anyone, to get the political ball rolling again and get on the City Council folks to get this thing back on the ``to do'' list.

If you remember, years ago improvement plans for the area included an urban interchange (like a flyover). That idea was shot down by residents and those in political circles. Just how long are we citizens going to continue to sit at this intersection without badgering someone to do something about it? C'mon, folks.

Bob Cole, Virginia Beach. Your slam-banging the red light runners was terrific. Now, I wish you'd do something else. I travel WITCHDUCK ROAD between INDEPENDENCE and VIRGINIA BEACH BOULEVARD quite a bit and the speeding in that area, especially between ARAGONA and the BOULEVARD has become really dangerous.

Maybe you can bring police attention to it. Tell them it's got to stop; someone's going to get killed there. That cemetery on the right is just waiting for those people.

RW: Unfortunately, Bob, there aren't nearly enough cops to go around and, now that a lot more of them are at the Oceanfront, things won't likely improve. There's got to be a way to stop these folks, though. Maybe we should start deputizing some citizens to let them take control of the situation.

Jason Lilonde, Brigadoon. When is LYNNHAVEN PARKWAY going to go through to CENTERVILLE TURNPIKE? Thank you very much.

RW: According to Road's 1995-96 Capital Improvement Program book Lynnhaven Parkway Phase XI includes a four-lane divided highway and bikeway from Indian River Road to Centerville Turnpike, about 2.1 miles. Right now it looks like the site acquisition is still going on with construction scheduled to start sometime in 1998.

Carry Lundy, College Park. Cousin Road Warrior, remember me? You must be my kin because you never hear from me unless I'm wanting something.

Well, here it is. I live at the Beth Shalom independent living complex, which is in the same area as the convalescent home.

Those of us who can, walk (or the nurses ride their patients) over to the College Park Shopping Center, which is across the street. Some of us are aged persons, some are in wheelchairs, some use walkers and others are slow walkers.

Please ask the city to put some sort of warning for the cars coming down Auburn Drive so that it will be safer. Maybe some people will brake for us and we won't have to wait so long to get across.

If they put warnings for animals, which I love, let them please put warnings for us, the handicapped and the elderly. Thank you, cuz. Talk to you later.

RW: There's no doubt we're related if you're wanting something from Road. Welcome to the family, Carry.

Engineers said they'd be happy to check out the area and see what they can do for all you youngsters out there trying to cross Auburn Drive. MEMO: Tell the Road Warrior about your motoring problems. Get 'em off

your chest. Call on Infoline, at 640-5555. After a brief message, dial

ROAD (7623). When directed, press 1 to deliver your message, and 1 again

to sign off.

Or, write: The Road Warrior, Virginia Beach Beacon, 4565 Virginia

Beach Blvd., Virginia Beach, Va., 23462.

Don't forget to include your name, address and neighborhood. by CNB