The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, June 13, 1996               TAG: 9606110133
TYPE: Letter 
                                            LENGTH:   90 lines


In praise of Smithwick

In response to the letter to the editor from Myron Wilcox (Compass, May 23), I beg to differ that the charges Mr. Wilcox speaks of against Mr. Smithwick have been substantiated.

Mr. Smithwick has not been charged or convicted of any crime. The complaints made against him are a personnel matter - to be dealt with by his superior. It should not be a topic of discussion by City Council, the public or the press any more than a complaint made against any one of us should.

If we want a topic of discussion, let us share the sorrow of losing this region's finest director of development. As a lifelong resident of Norfolk, I see the life that Mr. Smithwick's vision has breathed back into our city.

It isn't an easy task to attract new business and retain the current businesses in a developed inner city. Yet, Mr. Smithwick brought us a TWA reservations center and 500 jobs. He brought us USAA Insurance.

He outmaneuvered Virginia Beach when they courted our ball team and built the most beautiful Triple-A ballpark around - the team even changed its name to the Norfolk Tides. Thanks to some hard work, ``Wheel of Fortune'' brought their road show to Norfolk. Mr. Smithwick's vision helped to make the TCC campus a reality. Soon, Norfolk will be home to the largest, and perhaps, the finest department store in this country - Nordstrom.

If Mr. Smithwick must be a topic of conversation, let it be his accomplishments we speak of. He has brought Norfolk what neighboring cities long for - a vision, a plan. Most of all, let us remember that in this great country of ours, a person is innocent until proven guilty.

Ruth H. Lord

Connecticut Avenue Thanks to the officers

I want to thank the three Norfolk police officers who took the time on the evening of May 29, when they were off-duty, to help make my life a little easier. I'll always be grateful.

Connie Collett

Tidewater Drive Thanks to the officers

I am a student at Bay View Elementary and Stuart Gifted Center. I am writing this letter in honor of the great teachers who try their best to teach us. We recently celebrated Teacher Appreciation Day, which is a day to celebrate how hard our teachers try to help us get a good education. I would like to especially thank Mrs. Dolan, Ms. Preston, both Miss Petersons, Mrs. Bridgers, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. McPherson and Mr. Burge. Thanks again to all the great teachers out there.

Kristin Lindquist

Edgewood Avenue She's a positive force

I have read the newspaper articles, seen the newscasts and heard opinions about the charges against Connie Hindmarsh.

What's so surprising to me is how so many people can go against her without knowing both sides of the story. Anyone who has worked with her knows she believes and inspires new ways to dream.

In my case, Connie has been a constant positive force in my life. When I first came to her I was wild and out of control, but with her unshakable positivity I have become an educated (graduated from high school and will graduate from college in two more years with a B.S. in history, pre-law and minor in theater arts) woman and an accomplished poet. I could go on forever telling people how much she means to me, but instead I want to share with you the poem that I wrote for her as my thanks for seven years of her endless optimism and friendship for all of her students - past, present and future:

I have sat and thought about you

I've thought about how you helped make me into someone new

I was wild and going nowhere fast

You saw me, intercepted me and put all that in my past

I was so loud, violent, and oh so temperamental

You taught me how to be human with inspirational words that were gentle

I was reckless with a hidden sense of pride

But somehow you maneuvered a way to look inside

The world had hurt me so bad - this fact still holds true

But I'm stronger, more creative, thoughtful, grateful and alive - all thanks to you

As time moves on there's a debt to you I feel I owe

And how I'll pay back your love I'll never know

I'm in debt forever

My gratitude will never end

I'm so proud to say you have exceeded being my only mentor, my teacher and my employer by being my friend

There will come a time when our time together will be done

But remember you're in my heart always, second to none.

Angel Baker

Pelham Street by CNB