The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Saturday, June 15, 1996               TAG: 9606150017
SECTION: FRONT                   PAGE: A10  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                            LENGTH:   35 lines


Virginia Beach council's continuing inability to see the benefits of light rail for its residents and for the region is baffling. The decision to delay a vote on the matter for yet another 30 days is curious considering that the issue has been on the table since the early '80s.

Had Southside cities opted for light rail during the last round of studies, we could be boarding today between the Oceanfront and downtown Norfolk, with the Naval Base leg under way. Instead, we are sitting in traffic, widening highways and having difficulty meeting mandated clean-air requirements. Does the Beach City Council think traffic and air pollution are nonissues?

This lack of vision comes on top of the council's recent decision to bail out of the regional recycling program. The proposed $1-per-month-per-household charge for recycling is hardly a show-stopper. The fuel consumption, traffic congestion and air pollution resulting from Virginia Beach residents having to drive to recycling drop-off centers is a much higher price to pay. This is assuming Virginia Beach residents who currently use curbside recycling are even willing to make the drive.

Perhaps, to deal with the resulting increase in refuse disposal as Beach residents stop recycling, increased refuse tipping fees should be charged to the city; or maybe the Beach can dispose of all of its garbage within city limits, with no access to the regional landfill.

As the rest of the nation is heading into the 21st century, Virginia Beach seems determined to plunge head first into the Stone Age and to drag the rest of the region with it. Perhaps what Virginia Beach really needs is some new leadership with vision.


Norfolk, June 13, 1996 by CNB