The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, June 19, 1996              TAG: 9606180106
TYPE: Close-Up 
                                            LENGTH:   58 lines


They say if you want something done right you have to do it yourself. That's what Susan Cotthaus did nearly three years ago when she started a petition for a traffic light at Round Hill and South Independence in Glenwood.

Cars regularly exceeded the 45 mph speed limit, and Cotthaus, the secretary/treasurer of the Glenwood Homeowners Association, worried about the children at the nearby community pool and elementary school.

``I had a real fear for these kids. There were six accidents at that intersection in 1993 alone,'' she said.

She polished her pen, put on her walking shoes and collected 470 signatures that first year. She sent copies to the mayor, City Council, school transportation, local businesses and school administration.

A light was installed late last month.

Full name: Susan Cotthaus.

Hometown: Richmond Hill, Queens, N.Y.

What brought you to the Beach? Husband's orders in the Navy (November 1986).

Birthdate: March 22, 1953.

Occupation: Macintosh computer instructor at Glenwood Elementary.

Nickname: Sue.

Marital status: Married to John - 23 years.

Children: Three sons, John Jr., 20; Steven, 17; and David, 13.

What is your idea of a perfect day off? What day off? I always have things to do.

Last smart thing you did: Learned to surf the net.

Last dumb thing you did: Accidentally threw red shirt in white wash.

Favorite meal: Shrimp, lobster, crab and steaks.

Favorite movies: Don't have a real favorite - anything Disney.

Favorite song: No real song.

Last book read: Computer instruction. Lucky I have time to read the paper.

Hobbies: Helping others. Also, being on the board of the Glenwood Homeowners Association.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Learn to say ``No.''

If you could change one thing about your spouse, what would it be? Can't really think of anything.

Secret vice: Anything chocolate.

Favorite restaurant: Captain George's.

Your favorite night on the town: Dinner.

Favorite TV shows: ``Married with Children.''

Favorite sport: Don't care for sports.

Last vacation: Visiting family in New York.

Pets: Michelangelo, a red ear slider turtle who is 5 years old.

Worst job: Never had a bad job.

Of what achievements are you most proud? Raising three great boys and getting Glenwood stoplight in in under three years.

What would you like as your epitaph? Susan did everything but Girl Scouts. ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by DAVID B. HOLLINGSWORTH by CNB