The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Saturday, June 22, 1996               TAG: 9606210038
SECTION: FRONT                   PAGE: A14  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                            LENGTH:   28 lines


Virginians do want and need pro sports in our area. If the Hampton Roads Partnership can't bring in big-league teams, let's change its members. If a poll doesn't show it, let us vote on it. If the state can't afford it, let us call in investors.

I go all over the East Coast to see pro sports. Our family has been to Washington (actually Maryland) to see the Bullets/Bulls, to Charlotte to see the Hornets/Hawks, to Atlanta to see the Braves, to Washington to see the Redskins/everybody, and to all the East Coast NASCAR races.

We use these weekend trips as vacations. Doesn't the success of the Admirals hockey team show us anything with its sold-out games every year?

And look at NASCAR in Richmond. At both races each year, after the first two selling days, tickets are like gold. Let's keep the money here, where we make it and pay taxes. Let others come to our state and spend their money here on motels, food, sightseeing, souvenirs.

And another thing: I don't want big-time sports in Northern Virginia; I want it in Hampton Roads. If my family has to go to Northern Virginia, we may as well go to Washington.

Our minor-league-team sports are great, but it is time to go pro.


Portsmouth, June 6, 1996 by CNB