The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, June 26, 1996              TAG: 9606260010
SECTION: FRONT                   PAGE: A12  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                            LENGTH:   28 lines


Cmdr. Donnie Cochran USN, commanding officer of the Navy's Blue Angels, recently stepped down as the leader of that elite, precision flying team. This was a courageous and noble act; his admitting that he had lost the touch to do precision or even less-demanding flying. It is astounding for the leader of the Blue Angles to do so.

For those of us aviators of another era, we have seen many pilots often referred to as ``One of the best pilots in the squadron!'' bust their butts, and in many cases their comrades, too, because they wouldn't admit that they had lost their ``touch.''

Unfortunately for many aviators, egos often took precedence over their lives and those of others as well.

We all should give Commander Cochran a salute for doing what he did, plus a ``thumbs up'' for the many great airshows that he provided, both as a wingman and a leader!

Maybe the next leader of the Blue Angles will be a Marine. I guess there is about as much chance of that happening as an aviator becoming Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC)!

JOE ``TOAD'' HOMER, Major USMC (ret)

Virginia Beach, June 15, 1996 by CNB