The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, July 5, 1996                  TAG: 9607050322
                                            LENGTH:   37 lines


Retired Fire Chief Odell Benton showed up last week to help celebrate the opening of a long-needed second fire station for Churchland and found out the $1 million firehouse had been dedicated in his honor.

But he wasn't the only person celebrating.

The dedication ceremony turned into a community party with special attention to children.

There were lots of freebies, from fire hats to pencils, and guest mascots ranged from the Portsmouth Police Department's Crimebusters to the Sheriff's Department's DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) Bear.

The new River Shore Station No. 3 will house two fire companies and the regional hazardous-materials team. A fitness room, with equipment donated by the YMCA of Portsmouth, will serve firefighters and police.

Response time for what had been the longest runs for the other Churchland station will be cut from eight minutes to four. ILLUSTRATION: Staff photos by MARK MITCHELL

ABOVE: The kitchen and dining area of the new fire station has all

the amenities of home. The $1 million facility, at the corner of

River Shore Road and Cedar Lane, has 13,000 square feet of space.

LEFT: John Devine, 3 1/2, plays firefighter at the dedication of the

new station.

The long-awaited second fire station for Churchland was dedicated in

honor of a surprised retired Fire Chief Odell Benton, 74, left, who

had stumped for 25 years to have the facility added to the city

budget. by CNB