The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, July 28, 1996                 TAG: 9607260195
SOURCE: Frank Roberts
                                            LENGTH:   68 lines


Suzanne Miller left the glamour of New York City for the ``green grass and trees'' of Suffolk.

They're abundant in Suffolk. But what about stage performers?

Miller and some other people dedicated to theater are trying to find out as they attempt to re-establish the Peanut Players. They're determined to offer the group's initial little theater production this fall.

Miller is coordinator of the Homework Assistance Program, a tutorial program for at-risk children, sponsored by Suffolk City Schools. Before that, she was a teacher assistant at Oakland Elementary in Suffolk.

Miller, who grew up in Maryland, went to business school to be a court reporter. That went by the wayside when a neighbor asked her to be box office manager of the Arena Stage Theatre.

She stayed with that organization 11 years, winding up in the public relations department. Then, Miller moved to New York City.

``I didn't even get a chance to enjoy my first unemployment check,'' she said. ``I got a job as soon as I moved there.''

Miller worked for International Creative Management, whose clients included Ingrid Bergman, Rex Harrison and playwright Arthur Miller.

She described Bergman as ``great, a wonderful lady,'' and Harrison and Miller as ``fun.''

Suzanne Miller moved to Hampton Roads in 1981, living first in Virginia Beach to be with her retired parents. She met her husband there. In 1985, they moved to Broad Street in Suffolk.

What brought you here? Purchased an older house - ``The Money Pit.''

Birthdate/hometown: July 5 baby boomer, Washington, D.C.

Fondest childhood memory: Summers at Rehobeth Beach, Del., with my family.

Marital status/children: Married to H.J. Son Brendan, 12, stepsons Robin, 26, and Corey, 18.

Pets: Dogs Talley and Ginger, cat Shadow and a pond full of goldfish.

First job/worst job: Salesclerk in a fine gift shop. None. I've learned something from each one.

Occupation: Coordinator, with Beatrice Reeves, of the Homework Assistance Program.

What's your favorite hangout? Home.

Favorite food/drink: Shrimp, iced tea.

Favorite movies/TV show: ``Out of Africa,'' British sit-coms.

Book you wish everyone would read: Any book which will increase the literacy ability of all Americans.

Ideal vacation: Rent a cabin on the shore of a peaceful lake.

I can't resist: Buying a car full of bedding plants in the spring.

Few people know that I: Truly need and enjoy solitude times.

Most embarrassing moment: There are a few, usually concerning my husband, who is Tim Allen's counterpart when it comes to mishaps.

If you won the lottery, what would you do/buy? Share it with family, my church (St. Mary's), buy land in the country.

What is the best advice you've been given and by whom? An act of kindness will always come back to you. My mother, Loretta Heard.

What's the best thing about yourself? I temper life's stress with a sense of humor.

If you could trade places with anyone in the world, who would you be and why? I wouldn't want to - my life choices and experiences have been unusual, educational and varied, and I'm satisfied with who I am.

What achievements are you most proud of? Being a mother and stepmother; helpmate to my husband; and helping to make a difference in the educational future of our city's children. ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by JOHN H. SHEALLY II

Suzanne Miller is helping to re-establish the Peanut Players, a

little theater group. by CNB