The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, August 4, 1996                TAG: 9608020251
TYPE: Letter 
                                            LENGTH:   54 lines


Transition complete

On July 15, I attended the first official meeting of a totally elected School Board in the city of Chesapeake. I believe that the meeting constitutes a major milestone in the history of our city and that several important points regarding the historical significance of the meeting and their impact on our city should not be overlooked.

In our society today the majority of our citizens do not participate in the process of government because they believe that their voice will not be heard and that their vote really does not count. A totally elected School Board provides evidence to all citizens that government of, by and for the people is alive and well.

More than three years ago, the citizens of Chesapeake, by referendum, gave our city fathers a mandate for an elected School Board. Although it has been a long, arduous process from the May 1993 referendum to the July 1996 seating of an elected School Board, the unmistakable message to our citizens is that the will of the people ultimately prevails.

An elected School Board constitutes a major philosophical shift in the manner in which the city conducts the public business and addresses the overall education of our children.

Since we have completed the transition to an elected School Board, i believe some thanks are in order. Thank you to:

Our school superintendent, Dr. W. Randolph Nichols, his predecessor, Dr. Fred Bateman, and their dedicated cadre of professional school administrators, principals, teachers and school employees, who all have contributed to making Chesapeake the best school system in Tidewater.

Our members of City Council. These councilman, under tremendous pressure, continuously placed principles above political expediency and refused to let the U.S. Justice Department dictate the manner in which we organize and conduct the city's business.

Our elected School Board members. We applaud your burden for the education of our children. We appreciate your personal sacrifice in subjecting yourselves to the rigors of an election campaign along with your unselfishness and willingness to serve the people.

The members of the Chesapeake Taxpayers Association, who circulated petitions and collected the 10,000 signatures required to place a referendum for an elected School Board on the ballot.

Finally, I would remind the citizens of Chesapeake that ``We got what we wanted, an elected School Board.'' To make this new concept a success and to improve our education system, it is incumbent upon every citizens to work in harmony with our elected board. We should make every attempt to be their ally and advocate. Whether a member of City Council, School Board, school administration or a private citizen, we all want to provide the best education possible to our children and grandchildren.

Bill Pierce

Creef Lane by CNB