The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Saturday, September 14, 1996          TAG: 9609140240
SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B3   EDITION: FINAL 
DATELINE: CHESAPEAKE                        LENGTH:   62 lines


John L. Pazour, Chesapeake's new city manager, is described as a workaholic who rises at 5 a.m., a wizard at forecasting and dealing with the economy, and a shrewd handler of growth control.

The 52-year-old Pazour, who was officially declared Chesapeake's new city manager on Friday by Mayor William E. Ward, played down that praise but said he hopes to help Chesapeake grow into a first-class city when he takes office Jan. 1.

Calling his new role ``a terrific professional opportunity,'' Pazour said his main emphasis would be on economic development, growth control and ``protecting the community from the dynamics of change.''

Pazour comes to the job from his position as city manager in Aurora, Colo., that state's third-largest city and, like Chesapeake, one of the fastest-growing areas of the country.

According to Aurora Mayor Paul E. Tauer, Pazour had the full support of the 11-member council there and has helped Aurora cope with huge growth and change since the local economy blossomed after the petroleum-based Denver economy hit rock bottom in the late 1980s.

``He has done a great job and has had the confidence of council throughout his tenure,'' said Tauer from his Aurora home. ``I think it's universal that we hate to see him go, but we also wish him well.''

Pazour will make $115,000 as Chesapeake city manager, as well as health insurance, retirement and a benefits package that includes a $400-per-month car allowance. He has given notice in Aurora to end his stay on Dec. 31, although Tauer said Pazour probably will leave on Dec. 1 and use his accrued vacation time.

Pazour will replace interim City Manager Clarence V. Cuffee, who has served in the position since October 1995, when the council voted to fire City Manager James W. Rein. Cuffee received rousing applause when introduced on Friday and will stay on as an assistant city manager, according to Ward.

The nationwide search for city manager began officially in January when the city hired the Atlanta-based Mercer Group. Mayor Ward said 93 candidates were narrowed down to five before Pazour was selected from two finalists. Pazour did not seek the job but was approached by the Mercer Group.

Ward said Pazour won the position because of his experience in the public and private sector as well as his fiscal and budgetary experience.

``We're excited,'' said Ward, ``at having a man of this caliber in Chesapeake.''

Aurora Mayor Tauer said Pazour kept Aurora fiscally sound when he anticipated a downturn in the local sales tax when Denver's Lowery Air Force Base closed. Pazour's efforts, said Tauer, resulted in ``more of a blip than a fall.'' The next year, 1995, the economy rebounded.

Tauer also said Pazour has been instrumental in working with the business community and community groups and has been known to take a ride with neighborhood activists to survey problems.

Pazour, he said, has also helped garner major development agreements that allow developers to help the city provide infrastructure using partial sales tax rebates. ILLUSTRATION: MARTIN SMITH-RODDEN

The Virginian-Pilot

John L. Pazour, 52, was officially declared Chesapeake's new city

manager on Friday. He comes to the job from Aurora, Colo.