The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Saturday, September 21, 1996          TAG: 9609210009
SECTION: FRONT                   PAGE: A14  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                            LENGTH:   33 lines


I felt I had to respond to Robert Wainwright's letter of Sept. 17, ``Surprised by Robb.''

I was not surprised at Robb's opposition to the Defense of Marriage Act. Robb realizes that this entire issue is merely another political game of the religious right and rightly voted against it. He realizes that this law is discriminatory and also unconstitutional given the ``full faith and credit'' clause of the Constitution.

He also realizes that gay people are the new political football - the ones to hate. We have been accused of being promiscuous. And now, when we would like our long-term relationships to be recognized by the government, we are vilified because we would dare to trample on the sacred altar of marriage.

Well, don't worry, the bill will pass and you will be ``safe'' from all of us married homosexuals. However, I do not need the government or anyone else to tell me that my 17-year marriage is invalid or worthless or to qualify it in any way.

Guess what we crazy gay married people do! We cook dinner, entertain friends, go to work, pay taxes (more taxes than married people, who can file jointly and claim each other as dependents), go to church (yes, gay people are Christians), love our families and try to be good, law-abiding citizens.

I applaud Robb for his brave stance against the Defense of Marriage Act. Like Kennedy, Roosevelt and Johnson before him, when it came to a decision on civil rights, he did the right thing instead of the political thing.


Norfolk, Sept. 17, 1996 by CNB