The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Monday, October 7, 1996               TAG: 9610040010
SECTION: FRONT                   PAGE: A8   EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                            LENGTH:   29 lines


It's funny how election season brings out lopsided explanations of how much the ``liberal in chief'' has accomplished. Here are some I've heard recently.

It is often mentioned that 10 million new jobs have been created because of Bill Clinton. Suddenly forgotten are the 8 million old, better-paying jobs that were eliminated, kaput, during that same period.

Ah, the deficit. Yes, it was reduced, but in no small measure due to a lower interest expense on the debt. Interest rates dropped during the Clinton years due to a business climate that failed to surpass even George Bush's four years.

Meanwhile, Clinton rejected a balanced budget amendment and the debt continues to climb. The president weaseled his way into minor deficit relief by compromising defense spending while raising our taxes.

Such promised tax cuts as occurred were targeted at those most susceptible to having their vote bought with someone else's money. The nation as a whole gained nothing.

We now have more police on the streets than ever before. So what? We should judge our success not by how many police we must add, but by how many we can comfortably retire.


Smithfield, Sept. 29, 1996 by CNB