The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, October 27, 1996              TAG: 9610240178
TYPE: Letters 
                                            LENGTH:  146 lines


OK road bonds

The economic prosperity of our state is greatly dependent upon two important foundations: good schools and good infrastructure.

Good schools create an educated work force that is attractive to businesses and industries offering high-paying, quality jobs. Good infrastructure provides the basis upon which a solid economy can be built.

Perhaps the main component of a solid infrastructure is good roads. Our state is known across the country for the high quality of our transportation network. In order to maintain our roads and to meet the growing needs of our state, we must invest the resources necessary to do so.

That investment includes passage by the voters this fall of the 1996 Road Bonds, which will provide $950 million for the transportation needs of our state. I urge your support of this important bond issue.

The Highway Trust Fund, established in 1989, is a dedicated source of funding for highway construction projects. Through this fund, North Carolina has been able to plan, construct and maintain a world-class transportation system. There are a number of road projects planned for future construction, which will improve our system even more.

Our rural communities chafe at the lack of adequate secondary roads and continued unpaved roads that hinder their ability to recruit new businesses and industries.

The Highway Bond Issue is divided among three groups of transportation projects: urban loops, secondary and intrastate roads, and rural unpaved roads. The bond proceeds will speed up the construction of already planned projects that must currently wait many years for funding from the Highway Trust Fund. By accelerating this process, we save tax dollars by paying for the construction in today's dollars rather than by tomorrow's prices.

The 1996 Highway Bond Act will give us better roads faster and cheaper. All of our efforts to bring greater prosperity to our state will be to no avail if the businesses and industries we recruit cannot drive (easily or at all) to the new communities in which they wish to locate. The beauty of our mountains, the pleasure of our beaches, and the opportunities of our piedmont will not be fully enjoyed and realized by residents and tourists alike if we cannot get to them safely and conveniently.

I urge you to pass the highway bond act so that we can keep it that way.

Marc Basnight

President Pro tem

N.C. Senate Voter's Guide clarification

The League of Women Voters of Dare County is a nonpartisan organization. We are not affiliated with any political party nor do we support the election of any candidate at either the local, state or national level.

We do, however, promote and support an informed electorate. To this end, we sponsor and organize candidate forums and develop a voter guide with information provided by the candidates.

Fortunately for all of us, the league's voter guide is published as a public service in local newspapers. It is not mailed; the cost to a nonprofit organization like ours would be prohibitive.

To clear up any misunderstanding, and in response to questions, we wish to make clear that the ``Dare County Voter's Guide'' delivered in the mail recently was not produced by the League of Women Voters of Dare County.

Kathryne Thompson


League of Women Voters

Dare County Jetty project scores zero

Again we are faced with almost complete silence about the Oregon Inlet jetties. Everybody is still for jetties, but the Democratic movers and shakers do nothing. Let's score them on a one to ten basis.

Let's start with President Clinton. His first act of office was to send his Secretary of Interior, accompanied by a leading environmentalist, to Dare County to cancel our permits to build the jetties. Actions since then, by either of these gentlemen, zero. Score for helping the jetties, for both, zero.

Next comes Governor Hunt. He gave a great speech in Washington at a subcommittee Senate hearing. He appointed a commission that has been, for the most part, silent, and has done nothing. Score for the beach: six for action, zero for accomplishment.

Our third great jetties supporter, Senator Marc Basnight, has shown great flares of support when he wanted to gain politically. Score for talk and support, seven, for action and accomplishment, zero.

Next, let's review the record of Commissioner Bobby Owens. Jetty support by pronouncement and for political support, a lukewarm four, for accomplishment and true support, zero. The rest of the Dare County Commission, zero.

Let's apply this total record of zero at the upcoming election and vote a zero for all of them. The jetties are much too important to Dare County to have people in power who score zero in accomplishment.

By the way, I almost forgot the governor's great appointment as special operator for Oregon Inlet's jetties, Bob Peele, zero, nada, nothing done.

Daniel B. Gray

Rodanthe Get your facts straight

After receiving my mail Oct. 18, I was disgusted when finding and reading what I thought was a ``Dare County Voter's Guide.'' The ``DCRP'' also calling themselves the ``Dare County Republican Party'' has done nothing more than trying to continue the sham to the intelligence of the citizens of this wonderful county. Why is the Dare County Republican Party ashamed to identify itself?

The repeated laments have been used so many times by these ``DCRPs'' that they are beginning to believe their own warmed-over rhetoric. How does Mr. Sawin under his own ``Candidate Criteria'' say the things he does without shame? Did the company which Mr. Sawin owned and operated, the Ocean Acres Sewer System, go bankrupt? The brochure said ``Steve arranged the system to be sold to Kill Devil Hills and he paid all the fines?''

The state and the courts made arrangements for Kill Devil Hills and your tax dollars to pay for this system. Mr. Sawin received large fees from the users of the waste system for repairs that were not made or brought to minimum state or federal standards. Mr. Sawin knew the waste water system continued to dump less that safe waste water in our sound. Ask the people of Ocean Acres how they feel about Mr. Sawin's promises! How can we believe Mr. Sawin in his statements much less his ability to be our representative in county government?

It is really sad when someone does not always agree with the hard work and decisions that Chairman Owens has had to make for the best interest of Dare County. Dare County would be the stepchild of North Carolina if it were not for people like Bobby Owens. When will the DCRP start to talk about all the good things Chairman Owens has done?

Mr. Johnson, do you really think you can accomplish the goals you have stated? Why are you more qualified than Clarence Skinner? I know he will be there when the chips are down and he has a very good and proven track record.

Mr. Price, we are glad that you have taken an active role in the work at the ferry division and that you were just married, congratulations. Maybe you can answer how the former Chairman Dan Gray of the ``DCRP'' was permanently disabled, and can admit to and be convicted of driving a Lincoln Town Car at almost 100 mph on the way back to Hatteras Island. Commissioner Midgett speaks his mind honestly and works diligently to represent each of his constituents in Dare County.

Mrs. Byrd, I have listened and talked with you on several occasions, have read your correspondence in the papers, what you sent out about the schools. I am sure you are well meaning, but in almost every case you leave out very important and long-range thoughts. Your ``Priorities for Dare County'' are again nothing more than the same old promises that you have no control over as an individual.

Your chart that questions the ``Honest desire to serve the Citizens of Dare County'' was a real disappointment to all, when you take it upon yourself to question Martin Booth's desire to serve the Citizens of Dare County. Mr. Booth has the experience, desire, integrity, the ability to listen, and the good judgment to know when to act.

I hope that every voter in Dare County will vote this Nov. 5. I for one cannot turn my back, close my eyes, and wish everything was perfect. I am glad that the four DCRPs are running, but get your facts straight and be constructive for once.

Robert A. Gabriel

Kill Devil Hills by CNB