The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, November 3, 1996              TAG: 9611010201
TYPE: Opinion 
                                            LENGTH:   37 lines


I believe this election is the most important since 1932, if not this century.

The Congress is controlled by very radical, mean-spirited Republicans. If Dole were to be elected president, it's no telling. He is mean-spirited too.

The last time Republicans had complete control very long was from 1920 to 1932, when Harding, Coolidge and Hoover were in office, and we had this country's worst depression. I remember it very well. Banks failed by the hundreds. People lost everything they had. Many people were working for 50 to 75 cents a day.

For the last two years, the Republicans in Washington have talked of taking this country back to Hoover's time. They talk of doing away with the 40-hour work week, minimum wage and OSHA and allowing people to withdraw from Social Security. That would lead to its end. I think we need to keep Bill Clinton as president to protect us. I am not crazy about him, but he is all we have.

Dole said to let the Reagan Revolution continue. We don't need that. If it weren't for the Reagan and Bush deficit that we are paying interest on, we would have a balanced budget. We don't need to listen to Dole talking of cutting taxes and balancing the budget. He would have to destroy so many programs that millions of people would suffer. Our social programs are helping a lot of people. Let's keep them.

We must pay taxes. We can't have everything free. I went through the rough times as a kid. I am now 78 years old, and I'm not rich, but I have so much more than I ever thought I would have. Except for losing my wife, I am doing well. When I was 21, I never thought I would have a pension.

I say vote for the Democrats on Tuesday. Don't vote for destruction.

Sam L. Callis

Sleepy Hole Road

Suffolk by CNB