The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1997, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, January 8, 1997            TAG: 9701080314
SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B7   EDITION: FINAL 
DATELINE: PALM BEACH, FLA.                  LENGTH:   21 lines


Mary Goodman Moonves died Jan. 7, 1997.

She was the beloved daughter of the late Miles F. and Etta J. Goodman.

She was the late wife of Philip R. Moonves; mother of Linda G. Haas of Baltimore and Suzanne K. Shevlin of West Palm Beach, Fla.; stepmother of Michael A. Moonves of Ipswich, Mass., and Barbara Moonves Martin of Wellesley Hills, Mass.; the sister of Jane G. Kay of West Palm Beach, and the late Lt. Miles F. Goodman Jr., USMC. She also leaves six grandchildren, Marietta B. Ries, John M. Haas Jr., Lucye B. Caplan, Melinda B. Buck, Emily H. Katzen and Matthew J. Haas; and five great-grandchildren.

Service will be held 10:30 a.m. Thursday at Riverside Gordon, West Palm Beach, and a graveside service at 2 p.m. Friday in Mount Moriah Cemetery, Harrisburg, Pa. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Anti-Defamation League. Arrangements by Riverside Gordon, West Palm Beach, Fla.


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