THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT Copyright (c) 1997, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: Wednesday, January 8, 1997 TAG: 9701080345 SECTION: LOCAL PAGE: B3 EDITION: FINAL SOURCE: BY JON GLASS, STAFF WRITER DATELINE: NORFOLK LENGTH: 35 lines
The City Council will choose between two retired educators to fill a School Board seat vacated by Junius P. Fulton III, who stepped down after being appointed a Norfolk Circuit Court judge.
Council members, meeting Tuesday, fielded two nominations and plan to vote for the candidates at their meeting next Tuesday. Both nominees are retired Norfolk teachers: Harrietta J. Eley, who taught high school English, and Alveta V. Green, who taught elementary school.
Both candidates have strong ties to the Education Association of Norfolk, a teachers group.
Eley is a former president of the association and has held state and national committee positions. Green was a former school building representative, and in 1991 won the Virginia Education Association's Mary Hatwood Futrell Award for leadership in education.
``For us, it's a win-win situation,'' said John Medas, a spokesman for the EAN. ``Both of them are outstanding candidates.''
Eley, as did Fulton, has close ties to Norfolk state Del. William P. Robinson Jr. Fulton shared a law office with Robinson, while Eley is a legislative aide to Robinson.
Fulton was named to the School Board in June 1994 and reappointed last June. Whoever is selected by the City Council next week will serve the remainder of Fulton's term, through June 1998.
The Virginia Canons of Judicial Conduct required Fulton to leave the board after his judicial appointment to avoid potential conflicts of interest. Gov. George F. Allen appointed Fulton in November to the judgeship left vacant by the September resignation of Judge Luther C. Edmonds.