THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT Copyright (c) 1997, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: Wednesday, January 8, 1997 TAG: 9701080417 SECTION: LOCAL PAGE: B2 EDITION: NORTH CAROLINA TYPE: Local Briefs LENGTH: 23 lines
The Dare County Tourist Bureau has awarded $20,000 in grants to local organizations that are planning events designed to bring visitors to the Outer Banks during the off-season.
Alvah H. Ward Jr., executive director of the bureau, said the funded projects will provide an economic boost to Dare County during the spring season, as well as reinforce the bureau's spring advertising program.
Organizations receiving funding include: Outer Banks Home Builders Association, Annual Parade of Homes, $5,000; Roanoke Island Commission, 1584 Festival Walk with Thomas Harriot, $7,000; Dare County Arts Council, Spring Art Show, $1,700; 1st Annual Outer Banks Cuisine/Wine Conference, $1,300; Hatteras Island Business Association, Civil War Living History Weekend, $5,000.
``All these organizations will spend advertising dollars outside of Dare County to promote their festival or event,'' Ward said.