The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1997, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, January 9, 1997             TAG: 9701090004
SECTION: FRONT                   PAGE: A16  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                            LENGTH:   33 lines


This letter is in response to a recent article (News, Dec. 15) which stated that some members of Virginia Beach City Council would link support for a light-rail system to the success of the Gaston pipeline. I can't think of a more single-minded, short-sighted and unreasonable approach to two distinctly different issues. Proposals to solve problems as unrelated as water and transportation should not be linked in any fashion but should proceed on their own merits.

If Virginia Beach thinks that it can twist another city's arm into supporting the Gaston pipeline by holding light-rail hostage, it is sadly mistaken. True, the traffic jams happen primarily in Norfolk. But whose citizens are tied up in the traffic? The only people who lose on a proposition such as this are our own citizens, not another city's.

The Gaston pipeline has never been a sure thing, and I'm not sure it is in anyone's best interest. Virginia Beach can't seem to control growth in any way other than by running out of something; it might as well be water. On the other hand, a real transportation system is very necessary, not just for future growth but for the needs of today's residents.

The council sounds like a child who, if he can't get his way, will take his ball (support of the light-rail system) and go home.

Lighten up, loosen up and work for the success of each project independent of the other. Tying both together is putting all your eggs in one basket, and I suspect the result will be we won't get anything.


Virginia Beach, Jan. 1, 1997

by CNB