The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1997, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, January 23, 1997            TAG: 9701210098
TYPE: Letter 
                                            LENGTH:   44 lines


Admirals deserve thanks

We would like to take this opportunity to extend a sincere thank you to a very special group of people. Over the holidays, the Hampton Roads Admirals, their Booster Club and their goalie, Darryl Paquette, supported a fund-raising event for the city of Norfolk, Division of Human Services Foster Children. Due to their outstanding efforts and those of their fans, an outpouring of gifts and funds were received for over 400 foster children.

This project would not have been successful without the diligent efforts of the Admirals, their fans and the Booster Club. The enthusiasm and hard work which these people put into this project was overwhelming and is worthy of public recognition.

Hampton Roads should be proud of its citizens and its Admirals. Our heartfelt thanks!

Mary Walter, social worker

Karen Lindsay, Holiday

Project Manager

Norfolk Division of Social Services Thief spoiled holidays

The citizens of Norfolk are truly blessed. Whether natives, transplants or newcomers, we shared, over the holiday season, the beauty and sense of community that is our city's heritage. Twinkling lights adorned our homes and businesses, carolers strolled along our city's streets and we shared our good fortune and blessings with others. It was a time of joy and celebration.

Yet, as many of us gathered with family and friends to celebrate and give thanks, we shared another common experience. Many of us were victims of those who, under the cover of darkness, crept onto our property to steal and vandalize our possessions.

Over the holidays, someone stole my gas grill from my property in Bayview. Like many other good citizens of Norfolk, I am willing to share what I have when my neighbors are in need, but I am tired of those who feel they have the right to steal from those of us who work hard for what we have in life.

Stealing is wrong, but stealing from your neighbor is abominable.

V. Mills

Modoc Avenue

by CNB