The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1997, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Saturday, February 1, 1997            TAG: 9702010012
SECTION: FRONT                   PAGE: A8   EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                            LENGTH:   27 lines


After reading the comment column by Joe Garafoll of the Knight-Ridder News Service (Jan. 22, ``Please bring back the old Courtney''), I found myself unable to placidly accept the implications. Could it be, in this age of ``Just Say No,'' of terror in even suburban streets, when we are desperately trying to rescue our young, to stop the devastation we can see in our society, our language, our very consciousness, Courtney Love is being criticized for ``abandoning the subculture''?

Has it, I wonder, occurred to Mr. Garafoll that it is the subculture that abandons us, and must always be abandoned if one is to grow as a person?

The real accomplishment for the media/entertainment moguls would be to promote and reward behavior among celebrities that is self-assertive without being ``brash and bawdy'' - to praise talent that stands on its own merit rather than having to depend on funkiness to be noticed.

I, for one, commend Courtney Love for having the good sense to improve her image, to grow as a person and as a performer, to discover that she has the capacity to be more than one-dimensional.


Portsmouth, Jan. 27, 1997

by CNB